Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Turmeric And Ginger Help Arthritis

Turmeric Trials For Osteoarthritis

How To Use Ginger And Turmeric, For Knee And Arthritis Pain!

The 107 participants with primary osteoarthritis of the knee were randomised to receive either 2 g turmeric or 800 mg ibuprofen per day for six weeks.

  • Both groups pain levels when walking and when climbing stairs improved, as did their knee function.
  • Those who took turmeric found that their pain when climbing stairs improved more than those who received ibuprofen.
  • There was no difference in reported side-effects between the groups, and the most commonly reported were heartburn and dizziness.
  • Those who received ibuprofen were better at taking their treatment than those who received turmeric.

Ginger To Treat Arthritis

Ginger has been used for thousands of years in Asian, Indian, and Arabic traditions. Its use as an anti-inflammatory is more studied, widespread, and agreed on. This article from Healthline contains many references to supporting research.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the authorâs knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

May Help With Arthritis

Traditional usage, as well as new research, suggests that turmeric may be beneficial for individuals who suffer from arthritis.

In a study involving individuals with knee osteoarthritis, researchers discovered that turmeric extract was able to reduce pain. The results showed that turmeric was as effective as ibuprofen in reducing pain.

Another clinical trial involving individuals with knee osteoarthritis showed that curcumin, a phytochemical in turmeric, significantly improves physical function and reduces pain. It should be noted that although patients were permitted to use an anti-inflammatory drug throughout the trial, 84% of subjects taking curcumin stopped using the drug by the end of the study.

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Foods For Rheumatoid Arthritis And Inflammatory Arthritis

For rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory arthritis, a person should eat:

  • omega-3 fats found in cold-water fatty fish and flaxseeds
  • broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage
  • garlic, onion, and leeks

People who have osteoarthritis may also find some symptom relief after achieving a healthy weight. Being overweight can put extra stress on joints and cause more pain.

How To Use Ginger And Turmeric

Pin on Joint Pain relief

There are plenty of ways to add ginger and turmeric to your diet to enjoy the many health benefits each has to offer.

The two ingredients work well together in salad dressings, stir-fries, and sauces to add a surge of flavor and health benefits to your favorite recipes.

Fresh ginger can also be used to make ginger shots, brewed into a cup of soothing tea, or added to soups, smoothies, and curries.

Ginger root extract is available in supplement form as well, which has been shown to be most effective when taken in doses between 1,5002,000 mg daily .

Turmeric, on the other hand, is great for adding a pop of color to dishes such as casseroles, frittatas, dips, and dressings.

38 ).

Turmeric supplements can also help supply a more concentrated dosage of curcumin and can be taken in doses of 500 mg twice daily to reduce pain and inflammation .

Supplements that contain both turmeric and ginger are available as well, making it easy to get your fix of each in a single daily dose.

You can find these supplements locally or buy them online.


Turmeric and ginger are both easy to add to the diet and are available in fresh, dried, or supplement form.

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How To Take Turmeric For Pain

Turmeric in Indian and Asian cooking is a long-standing tradition.

A typical Indian diet supplies 2,000 to 2,5000 mg of turmeric per day. That equals 60 to 100 mg of curcumin. If you ingested the same quantity of turmeric as an extract it would be 1,900 to 2,375 mg of curcumin.

The spice has about 3% curcumin. Turmeric extract has 95% curcumin. Adding turmeric to your food provides some benefits, but not as much as a supplement.

Most studies use a turmeric extract. The typical study dose of 500 to 2,000 mg of turmeric per day had potential benefits. The exact dose depends on the medical condition.

The Arthritis Foundation suggests taking turmeric capsules 3 times per day. Another option is to take a half to three grams of the root powder every day.

Further studies revealed one gram of curcumin per day helped arthritis patients.

One issue with turmeric is its hard for the body to absorb the spice by itself. Nutritionists suggest mixing the spice with black pepper and olive oil to help your body absorb it.

The amount of turmeric used in normal cooking is safe. But dont assume more is better. High doses can cause nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness.

The World Health Organization found 1.4 mg of turmeric per pound of body weight is okay for daily intake. Its not advisable to take high doses of turmeric for long periods of time. There isnt enough research to guarantee safety.

Ginger And Garlic Mix

Garlic possesses significant anti-inflammatory effects. It works by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory substances known as cytokines.

  • Take 1/2 inch of ginger and 3 to 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Crush them together to form a smooth paste.
  • Consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of water.
  • Repeat the process 1 to 2 times every day.

Note Dont consume garlic immediately after crushing it leave it in the open for few minutes to promote the release of the active components.

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Ginger And Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate that relaxes the muscles and nerve endings. It also provides relief from pain and stiffness the two main symptoms associated with arthritis.

  • Boil 2 quarts of water in a pan and add a 5-inch sized fresh crushed ginger root to it.
  • Let the water boil for 7 to 8 minutes.
  • Transfer the water into a tub and let it come to a comfortably warm temperature.
  • Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to it.
  • Submerge your sore joints in the solution and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy once in a day.

Note You can also opt for a ginger and Epsom salt bath to soothe your painful knees and elbows because these joints are less convenient to submerge in the tub.

Boosts The Immune System

Pineapple Turmeric Ginger Juice // Reduce Inflammation & Improve Digestion, Get Rid Of Arthritis

Ginger comes highly recommended if you come down with the common cold. A study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology suggests ginger affects airway mucus production to discourage viral attachment.

A study in the International immunopharmacology found that the compounds that give turmeric its anti-inflammatory benefits can protect you from influenza pneumonia.

So taking ginger with turmeric can boost your immunity against many respiratory infections.

Ginger and turmeric are great herbs and delicious spices and boast many health benefits. Adding them to our diet and regularly taking them is recommended. They are not difficult to find and are pretty easy to use. Recipes on how to cook or make them into drinks are readily available. But one must be careful not to overeat them. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Also, consult your doctor first before using turmeric and ginger for any treatment.


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Benefits For Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA is an autoimmune disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks synovial tissue and fluid in the joints, resulting in inflammation and pain in affected joints. Compounds in ginger have been shown to play a potential therapeutic role in its treatment.

In in vitro studies, ginger extract was found to reduced the inflammatory reactions in synovial cells as well as the corticosteroid Celestone . The research also indicates that ginger is potentially more effective at reducing inflammation than ibuprofen.

Ginger appears to reduce RA-related inflammation by altering gene expression. Laboratory studies isolated a compound in ginger known as 1-dehydro- gingerdione, which helps regulate inflammatory genes.

A 2019 clinical trial found that ginger increases the expression of anti-inflammatory genes while decreasing pro-inflammatory gene expression in people with RA.

Further research suggests ginger paired with turmeric may actually protect against damage caused by the autoimmune response in RA. In animal studies, the spice combo was found to have a protective effect not only on joints, but also on the heart, lungs, and kidneyscommon extra-articular complications in rheumatoid diseases.

Besides TNF and IL-1b, ginger can have a therapeutic effect on cyclooxygenase and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells additional inflammation mediators.

Verywell / Anastasia Tretiak

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These Supplements And Spices Are Becoming More And More Popular But Are They Worth A Try

Turmeric: This centuries-old spice often used in curries is now popping up in chips, protein bars, even chocolate. Its touted for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has been studied as a natural protection against certain cancers and treatment for Alzheimers disease. The potential health benefits stem from curcumin turmerics most active compound.

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Ginger Overview & Uses:

Ginger is a spice native to Southeast Asia that has long been used in cooking. Its one of the healthiest spices around.

Ginger belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, the same family as turmeric and cardamom.

Fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice, ginger is available in a variety of forms. Its popular as both a supplement and an ingredient in a variety of foods.

Research shows that ginger may provide a variety of benefits, including helping to settle the stomach, reducing inflammation, and weight loss.

Below is a list of the benefits of ginger.

Ginger And Turmeric Vs Nsaids: Fighting Arthritis Through Food

Turmeric Ginger Extract

Helping battle arthritis, the leading cause of disability in the U.S.

Millions of people across the world suffer from arthritis, a painful condition caused by inflammation to the joints. As the leading cause of disability in the U.S., it is particularly unfortunate that no curative treatment exists, leaving its sufferers to resort to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids to manage pain. These medications typically carry unwanted side-effects, such as stomach ulcers or heartburn, and while they can offer temporary relief from joint discomfort, they do not help to repair damaged tissue or offer a long-term solution for pain management. With the hope of avoiding the side-effects from conventional treatment of arthritis, people with the disease may be inclined to seek alternative therapies, such as supplements or diet changes.

Ginger and turmeric, which are similar in structure and members of the broader plant family, Zingiberaceae, have been prominent spices in traditional medicine across Asian cultures for thousands of years. Modern scientific research has now demonstrated the benefits of these ancient medical practices, finding that ginger and turmeric have potent anti-inflammatory effects in the setting of several diseases, including arthritis.

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Grate The Herb To Use In Cooking

To prepare ginger, scrape off the skin using the top of a teaspoon, or use a small, sharp knife to remove any pieces of skin that will not go away, Montoya says. Slice the ginger finely or grate the peeled ginger to get a flavorsome paste without the fibrous pieces. The peeled ginger can also be stored in the fridge for a week, she says.

What Is Ginger And What Does It Do In The Body

The root of the ginger plant, officially known as Zingiber officinale, is what is used as a spice in cooking. Ginger is closely related to cardamom and turmeric, says Cristina Montoya, RD, a registered dietitian who specializes in nutrition for arthritis, and who herself has rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögrens sydrome. It is high in gingerol, a bioactive substance that anti-inflammatory properties.

Some research has indicated that ginger may inhibit a pain and inflammation-causing enzyme called COX-2, but the evidence isnt clear on the action mechanism of ginger in the body, Montoya says.

Ginger has been seen in some studies to have an aspirin-like anti-inflammatory effect because of how it interacts with these inflammation-causing enzymes, says Susan Goodman, MD, a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Plus, ginger has also been shown to potentially reduce the expression of genes that turn on inflammation. However, the magnitude and therefore the relevance of the effect is not clear, she says.

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In What Amounts Is Turmeric Good For Arthritis

The systematic review and meta-analysis provided evidence that taking enough turmeric to get 1000 mg of curcumin daily for two to three months would be sufficient for reducing painful arthritis symptoms.

However, while taking curcumin to prevent or treat arthritis is a great idea, theres a catch. Its bioavailability is known to be poor. In other words, our blood doesnt absorb it very well.

That is unless we take it with black pepper! Studies have revealed an incredible 2000-percent increase in curcumins s bioactivity when we consume it with black pepper!.

So, should I have also recommended turmeric to my arthritic friend?

Definitely! Ill be reaching out to him to share my research about taking both ginger and turmeric, with a side of black pepper!


The contents of the PLANTBASED.COM Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the PLANTBASED.COM Site are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the PLANTBASED.COM Site!

Ginger And Turmeric Drink

Turmeric for Inflammation: How Much is Enough?

The substance curcumin present in turmeric helps to treat arthritis by reducing joint stiffness, swelling, inflammation and other symptoms related to arthritis.

  • Add 1 teaspoon each of fresh grated turmeric and ginger root to a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes and then add a teaspoon of black pepper to it.
  • Stir well and drink it up.
  • Consume this concoction 1 to 2 times every day.

Note Adding black pepper is a must in this recipe because it increases the absorption of curcumin in the body.

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Celery Seeds Have Been Used For Millennia To Ease Pain

Fragrant celery seeds, which come from the flowers of the celery plant, have been used since ancient times to treat pain. A review published the journal Progress in Drug Research notes that celery seed extract has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis in animal models.

According to Mount Sinai Health, celery seeds may interact with blood-thinning medications, lithium, and thyroid medications if youre taking any of these, its important to talk with your doctor before trying celery seed.

Other Treatments For Arthritis

If youre going to take turmeric for your arthritis, just remember that this should not be thought of as a replacement for other treatments, especially those prescribed by your doctor.

You can manage your symptoms by:

  • Doing more exercise and maintaining a healthy weight
  • Taking over-the-counter and prescription painkillers
  • Applying capsaicin cream or using topical drug pain relief like Flexiseq
  • Using insoles, walking aids or splints
  • Using hot or cold packs
  • Having physiotherapy

In combination, these treatments, lifestyle changes and medication prescribed to you by a healthcare practitioner should help to make your symptoms more manageable. You should not take supplements as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.


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Ginger Lowers Your Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels have been linked to an increased risk of developing heart diseases. You can develop cholesterol when large deposits of LDL cholesterol form in your blood vessels, narrowing the blood flow to your heart, ultimately leading to a heart attack or stroke . How can you get your cholesterol levels down? In a study conducted in 2018, people ranging from the age of 18 to 70 years were asked to take 5 grams of ginger every day for three months. The results showed an astounding 17.41% decrease in LDL cholesterol levels and an 8.83% decrease in total cholesterol levels .

Turmeric Vs Ginger: Which Is Right For You

Ginger Turmeric Curcumin Supplement Capsules: Organic Joint Support ...

You can think of ginger as an anti-inflammatory herb with the ability to aid in blood sugar regulation.

If youre looking to reduce inflammation and lose excess body weight, then ginger may be the right herb for you.

However, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb that seems to be most effective for chronic inflammatory disorders . Turmeric also can help with heart health, especially LDL cholesterol levels.

If youre looking to reduce inflammation while supporting your heart health, turmeric is a great option.

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Cinnamon May Reduce Free Radical Damage

While more research is needed, the Arthritis Foundation points to encouraging studies that show that cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, both of which have antioxidant properties that help inhibit cell damage caused by free radicals. Like cloves, cinnamon contains the anti-inflammatory eugenol as well.

Cinnamon is delicious to sprinkle on oatmeal or in a smoothie, but that wont be enough for a therapeutic dose. However, if used in tandem throughout the day with other antioxidants, you can build up a cumulative effect.

Warning: Do not try to up the dose by trying the cinnamon challenge, for which people try to swallow heaping teaspoons of the spice in under a minute. A study published in January 2021 in Critical Care Medicine reports that there is a high risk of aspiration, sometimes leading to acute respiratory distress and the need for ventilation.

What Is Turmeric Good For

Our turmeric shots arent just packed full of curcuminoids, but fresh ingredients and extracts to aid in the delivery of the many benefits that turmeric is good for.

Our shots also include crushed black pepper, a crucial ingredient that aids in the bodys absorption of turmeric by 2000%. Paired with flax seed oil, another of our ingredients with similar properties, you can receive the optimum dosage.

Rather than trying to get your turmeric and black pepper dosage yourself by mixing up a spicy smoothie, wed recommend trying our professionally formulated shots.

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