Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How To Use Cayenne Pepper For Arthritis Pain

How Capsaicin Came To Be Used As A Natural Remedy

Miracle of Cayenne Pepper for Fast Joint Pain Relief – Dr Mandell

Capsaicin was first isolated in its pure form in 1876, by British chemist John Clough Thresh. Early use of hot peppers as a pain remedy relied on the fact that capsaicin creates a burning sensation on contact. This acts as a counterirritanta fast, welcome distraction from a nasty toothache, for example.

It took nearly 130 years for researchers to uncover and harness capsaicins unique ability to soak into pain-sensing nerve fibres and shut them down, turning off aches for weeks or months at a time. In 1979, researcher Tony Yaksh at the Mayo Clinic discovered in laboratory studies that repeated applications of concentrated capsaicin depleted levels of substance P, a neuropeptide within nerve fibres that spurs inflammation and irritation. Without substance P on board, nerves cant transmit pain signals to the brain.

This led to the development of ache-easing, over-the-counter capsaicin creams that are now widely used by people with arthritis or diabetic neuropathynerve damage that often occurs in feet and fingertips in people with high blood glucose levels. In a 1991 Case Western Reserve University study of 101 people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, those who used capsaicin cream daily said pain dropped by between 33 and 57 percent after 4 weeks. When 252 people with diabetic neuropathy used capsaicin cream or a placebo for eight weeks in a 1991 US study, the capsaicin users reported a 58 percent improvement in pain relief.

Aids The Digestive System

Cayenne pepper aids the digestive system to work efficiently by inhibiting enzyme production . Some believe that consuming cayenne in large amounts leads to gastric ulcers. However, researchers have proven that capsaicin stimulates alkali and mucous secretions, preventing and curing gastric ulcers . Capsaicin in cayenne pepper also stimulates the salivary glands to produce saliva, which aids digestion and keeps bad breath at bay .

How To Use The Salve

With your fingertip, scoop out a small amount of salve , and slowly massage it into your achy muscles and joints. The salve should leave a nice, warming sensation on the skin, followed by a cooling effect .

Use it for muscle pain, achy joints, nerve pain, arthritis, shingles, back pain, etc.

If youre using this salve for arthritis pain you may need to use it daily, for up to a week or 2, before seeing results.

Store the salve in a cool, dark place, and use within 6 months for best results.

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Cayenne With A Kick For Pain

Cayenne contains a compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient that gives peppers their heat. Generally, the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. In addition to adding heat to the pepper, capsaicin relieves pain.

Ointments made from capsaicin have been found to relieve the pain of arthritis when applied externally, and taken internally capsaicin triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, which has a pain relieving effect similar to that of morphine. Capsaicin has also been found to provide effective pain relief without the numbing effect usually associated with anesthetics, and the inability in some cases, to operate machinery, along with the usual sedative effects some painkillers cause.

Researchers at Harvard University recently announced that they believe capsaicin can be used to target pain receptors, without affecting nerve cells and causing the side effects mentioned above.

Youll be amazed at how easy it is to incorporate cayenne into your cuisine. Try to use cayenne by taste and add it to your food in place of black pepper. It is also quite good in salsa. Keep a bottle of it in your house for emergencies.

You can also get cayenne in supplement form. Try to get capsules of at least 500mg, with at least 40,000 heat units, although some may have up to 100,000 heat units.

What Makes Cayenne Pepper So Spicy

How to Use Cayenne Pepper for Health

The active component in hot peppers that gives them their heat is called capsaicin, and the hotter, the higher the capsaicin level. While rubbing something that seems to burn and sting over aching joints does not initially seem to help arthritis, arthritis or capsaicin cream is commonly sold as a pain reliever Why? Capsaicin depletes a neurotransmitter called substance P, which is responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. If we block the big P, we never have the note that something is hurting, so we end up with no pain. Instead of paying for arthritis cream at the store, try making your own with cayenne pepper It offers great peace of mind to know exactly what it is that you are absorbing into your skin, and it is rewarding to do it yourself.

Note: It is normal for there to be a bit of a burning sensation when first applied. If you have sensitive skin, use it with caution. Always wear gloves when handling chili or cayenne powder, and avoid contact with the eyes, you can wear glasses.

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Cayenne Pepper Has Some Impressive Benefits

People with a taste for spicy foods can appreciate the heat of cayenne pepper, but the health benefits of the spice are just as noteworthy as the taste. Various antioxidants along with capsaicin, the substance that gives cayenne its fiery flavor, make this spice extra healthy. Here are some of the possible benefits of cayenne pepper.

Five Best Spices For Arthritis

Certain foods have been identified as anti-inflammatories and can help reduce chronic pain for arthritis sufferers. One easy way to incorporate these into your diet is through spices. And although a dash of cinnamon on your toast wont be super helpful, many of these spices can pack a punch when you consume them throughout the day. Luckily, autumn is here and its the perfect time to experiment with all these great flavors. Here are some spices to consider using in your kitchen this fall.


Turmeric is a vivid yellow spice often found in Indian cuisine, and is available in any grocery store. Turmeric has been used as a medicine for centuries to treat wounds, infections and colds. Researchhas shown that curcumin, a compound in turmeric, can reduce inflammation in the body.


Garlic is a tasty addition to just about any dish. Not only does it add a ton of flavor, but its good for you as well! Studies show that the health effects of dietary garlic have been utilized throughout the centuries to offer protection against infections, heart disease, and cancer. Garlic also contains diallyl disulfide, an anti-inflammatory compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, garlic can help fight the pain, inflammation, and cartilage damage due to arthritis. Be sure to go for fresh garlic from the produce section of your market because preservatives and processing can reduce its strength.


Cayenne pepper



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A Source Of Vitamin A

Cayenne pepper isnt just tastyits nutritious too. A dash contains many nutrients, including a bit of vitamin A, according to the USDA. What does vitamin A do? Foods with vitamin A protect your vision, preserve your brain function, and keep your skin healthy. This vitamin is an antioxidant that works to reduce inflammation by fighting free radicals. The recommended daily value for vitamin A is 5000 IU, according to the National Institutes of Health. One teaspoon of cayenne pepper nets you 749 IU.

Cayenne Pepper Salve For Pain Relief

Top 5 Ways To Use Cayenne Pepper For Joint Pain Relief And How To reduce Joint pain

There are many people who consider cayenne pepper to be the king of medicinal herbs.

Cayenne peppers were originally grown in Central and South America. You can use the extracts for food flavouring, pain relief and even boosting your metabolism.

The medicinal herb isn’t only known to be an ‘at home pain relief remedy’, but they are also great for cooking reasons. They contain several beneficial nutrients.

Cayenne Peppers contain capsaicin. A chemical that gives the peppers their spice, but the chemical is reported to have numerous health benefits too. It can relieve topical pain, increase your metabolism and reduce insulin spikes in diabetes.

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How To Use Cayenne Pepper

Fresh or powdered, cayenne pepper is a super addition to your diet, Supan says. One of the great things about cayenne is that, unlike a lot of spices, it seems to blend with every type of cuisine, she says. Its used in dishes from just about every country in the world.

That makes it a great choice for spice novices who are just dipping their toe into the world of hot peppers. Wondering where to start? Grab a pinch and get creative, Supan says. You can sprinkle a bit of the powdered spice into just about any food. Just experiment until you find the balance you like best.

Once youve developed a taste for the punchy pepper, there are lots of creative ways to use it.

  • Mexican hot chocolate: Stir powdered cayenne into hot cocoa for a sweet-and-spicy kick that will warm you up on the coldest of days.
  • Boost your coffee: Supan likes to sprinkle just a bit of the spice into her coffee for a kicky pick-me-up.
  • Grab a pan: If youre trying fresh cayenne peppers for the first time, sauteing is the most user-friendly way to prepare them, Supan says. Chop them up, sauté them and add them to a stir fry, she suggests.
  • Go brave with raw peppers: Raw, fresh cayenne peppers pack the most punch. If you want to fully embrace their spicy power, try chopping them into small pieces and adding them to homemade salsa. They also make a great addition to meat marinades.

Herbs And Spices For Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom Relief

Herbs and spices can be used as natural remedies to reduce the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. Find out about dietary options that may help.

Its no secret that rheumatoid arthritis involves inflammation, so adding anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to your diet is a good idea. Admittedly, on their own, these food ingredients arent likely to have a significant impact on easing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. But as part of an anti-inflammatory diet, consuming certain herbs and spices throughout the day could have an additive effect in reducing inflammation and other symptoms, according to the Arthritis Foundation. And, at the very least, adding them to your recipes will liven up your meals.

In addition, some medicinal herbs can help you manage or even minimize uncomfortable symptoms. What follows are 13 herbs and spices worth considering if you have rheumatoid arthritis.

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Cayenne Pepper Oil For Arthritis: 4 Benefits Dosage & Precautions

Arthritis is a condition that mainly affects the joints.

Arthritis literally means inflammation, which is body’s natural response to injury or tissue destruction. This process leads to swelling, pain, redness, and stiffness in the joints in case of arthritis.

Arthritis can affect any joint of the body. There are various types of arthritis each of which differs in the mechanism by which it affects the joints.

Two most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Managing arthritis can be tiring as it involves taking various painkiller medications and applying ointments for joint pain relief.

People with arthritis not only need medicines but can also benefit from various non-medical therapies like diet modification, weight loss, physiotherapy, hot or cold therapies, aromatherapy etc .

Numerous dietary supplements are studied to identify their benefits in arthritis. One such supplement is cayenne pepper essential oil. Let us go through the benefits of cayenne pepper in arthritis after discussing some basic information about it.

Antioxidant Effect Of Capsaicin Is Favourable In Arthritis

Joint Pain

Arthritis patients have a deficiency in antioxidants which are necessary to fight the toxins in the body called free radicals. Antioxidant therapy can benefit arthritis patients by reducing these toxins.

The antioxidant property of capsaicin has been well established by various scientific studies.

This effect can be exploited to benefit arthritis patients.

The antioxidant effect of capsaicin can reduce the inflammation causing chemicals and reduce inflammation in arthritis.

Scientific data suggests that capsaicin is a potent antioxidant that can be employed in muscle and skeletal disorders to reduce pain and inflammation .

Animal studies have also confirmed the antioxidant benefits of capsaicin.

What does this mean? Cayenne pepper essential oil is a natural antioxidant which can decrease the level of toxins that cause tissue damage in arthritis. Capsaicin also replenishes reduced antioxidants in arthritis.

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How To Make Cayenne Salve For Herbal Pain Relief

The health benefits of cayenne are truly astounding.

An herbal pain reliever, cayenne has heart-protective qualities and can boost the immune system. It will even stop bleeding from a cut or wound!

If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper.It is more powerful than anything else. Dr. Richard Shulze

In this article we are going to look at one of cayennes many benefits: easing pain.

History of Cayenne

Cayenne comes from the Capsicum genus that also includes bell peppers, chilies, paprikas and habaneros.

This genus is from the Americas and has been cultivated for use for at least 7,000 years. Some of the early European explorers brought the seeds from South America back to Europe and they quickly spread around the world.

The etymology of the word Capsicum is believed to have been derived from Greek, meaning to bite.

What Makes It Bite?

Cayenne has a hot and acrid taste. This bite or heat is caused by the constituent capsaicin. The more capsaicin a pepper has, the more heat or bite to it. This amount varies greatly between species and varieties.

One method of measuring this bite or heat is the Scoville heat units . Cayenne has around 30,000 50,000 SHU. In contrast, bell peppers have 0 and habaneros have more than 100,000.

Cayenne for Pain

Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper For Arthritis

Arthritis. Its been afflicting people since the dawn of time. In the U.S. today, about 55 million adults suffer from some form of arthritis.

With numbers like that, its no wonder some pretty strange remedies have hit the market. Ever heard of bee stings and snake venom to heal arthritis? Chronic pain, like that associated with arthritis, drives some people to try just about anything.

Fortunately, you dont have to go to such extremes to experience the relief you so desperately want. An all-natural, powerful pain reliever might be hiding in your kitchen cabinet.

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How To Use Capsaicin As A Remedy

For osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetic neuropathy, apply an over-the- counter cream containing 0.025 percent capsaicin to aching joints or feet 4 times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. About 40 percent of people who try this experience stinging, burning or skin redness at first, but these effects fade as capsaicin desensitizes nerves.

If youre experiencing nerve pain after a bout of shingles, try a cream containing 0.075 percent capsaicin.

Next time you have a cold, sprinkle chili onto your foodits heat will stimulate drainage from the nasal and sinus passages.

Consumed fresh, chilies are a good source of vitamin C. However, eat them in moderation, as eating large amounts may cause nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea

Cayenne Pepper Is Excellent For Pain Relief In Arthritis

Boost Metabolism and Reduce Pain with Cayenne Pepper!- Thomas DeLauer

Cayenne Pepper essential oil contains capsaicin which exerts a potent analgesic effect. When applied to the skin it leads to short-term pain relief in arthritis patients.

Capsaicin interferes with the pain chemicals that transmit pain signals to the brain which assists in alleviating pain.

Evaluation of numerous scientific studies which investigated the effect of cayenne pepper extract in arthritis proved that it has a moderate pain-relieving effect.

A trial conducted by David CN recruited 108 patients with joint pain and treated them with a dietary supplement that includes capsaicin. This resulted in a good reduction of joint pain.

Based on huge research data it can be said that cayenne pepper essential oil can be a great pain relief agent that can be applied to the ailing joints.

What does this mean? Cayenne pepper extract has strong evidence stating its benefits in arthritis by reducing pain. The active ingredient responsible for this effect is capsaicin.

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Cayenne Pepper For Arthritis

For 7,000 years, people have been growing hot peppers for their intense flavor and ability to spice up a plain dish. Columbus brought hot peppers to Spain on his return voyage from the New World.

In addition to seasoning cuisines worldwide, using cayenne for joint and muscle pain is a traditional “go-to” treatment in many cultures. For centuries, cayenne has been a potent natural pain reliever throughout India, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean and North and South America.

So, what gives cayenne peppers their ability to ease chronic joint pain?

Natural Source Of Provitamin A

Cayenne pepper is a spicy vegetable that can be used in so many ways to add zest and flavor to your food. It has been known as a great natural vitamin A source, but it also contains vitamin C, B vitamins, and even zinc! Cayenne peppers are especially rich in provitamin carotenoids which the body can convert into the active form of vitamin A.

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How To Use Cayenne

Use cayenne pepper on a daily basis to help remedy these ailments. Start by mixing an eighth of a teaspoon with 8 ounces of water or fresh squeezed juice. Drink this beverage every morning for the first week. The second week, increase the cayenne amount to 1/4 teaspoon in 8 ounces of fluid. Use this general recommendation and increase the amount of cayenne by 25% until you reach one teaspoon. Once you reach this amount, use it for a at least a month to help clean out the arteries and maintain their health. Be sure to listen to how your body responds to the cayenne pepper and take your time working up to the 1 teaspoon measurement.

Cayenne pepper may even help stop a heart attack. Some herbalist, have reported successfully stopping a heart attack in its track by using cayenne tea . This could be due to cayennes ability to quickly thin the blood therefore disintegrating any blood clots almost immediately.

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