Saturday, September 7, 2024

Can You Get Social Security For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Impairment Listings For Individual Joints

Social Security Disability and Inflammatory Arthritis: Winning Case Strategies

SSA has specific impairment listings for different joints of the body the disease could attack. A number of these listings deal with a persons spine. These listings help disability examiners quickly approve cases for benefits if you meet the minimum requirements set out in the listings.

If you do not meet those requirements, there is another method to obtain approval for benefits. To accomplish this, you must be able to show the SSA your impairments are so severe they limit your ability to perform tasks required by jobs that you could otherwise qualify for. Examples of such impairments that might qualify you for benefit are being unable to sit for a long period of time, stand or walk for a distance, bend over, pick objects up, push or pull objects, carry objects, or manipulate objects.

What Benefits Can I Claim For Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you have severe rheumatoid arthritis and cannot work because of it for almost 12 months, you can apply for Social Security Disability benefits.#4. What are the types of arthritis that affect the hand?Apart from Rheumatoid arthritis, the different types of arthritis that can occur in you hand includes post-traumatic arthritis , osteoarthritis, gout and psoriatic arthritis.

Types Of Disability Benefits In The United States

There are two federal disability programs in the United States, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income . Both share one requirement: The person who receives the funds has to have a disability that affects their ability to work. However, the programs differ in other ways.

Social Security Disability Insurance gives disability benefits to those who have previously worked for a required time period in the recent past. SSDI benefits are funded through payroll taxes. If you are approved, you can receive benefits starting six months after you become disabled. If you have been disabled for at least a year, you can get back payments of disability benefits from that year. You will be eligible for Medicare 24 months after your SSDI benefits began.

Supplemental Security Income gives disability benefits to those who have not worked for the required time period and have limited funds. If you are approved, you can receive benefits in the next month. You may also be eligible for back payments of SSI if you became disabled before your SSI approval.

Almost all states provide additional benefit supplements for SSI recipients, but Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, and West Virginia do not. Many of the states that offer an SSI supplement have their own eligibility rules.

Its possible to get both SSDI and SSI if you have very limited funds and also have a work history.

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The Disability Benefits Application Process

If you are applying to an employers disability program, make sure you provide all the paperwork requested and do what is asked of you. For disability programs offered through employers, I dont typically see a lot of denials, says Boles. But in my experience, what I see with SSDI, a lot of folks tend to be denied often. I suggest always consider appealing.

What Conditions Automatically Qualify You For Disability

What Really Is Social Security???

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Long-Term Disability Benefits

Some conditions automatically qualify for disability benefits if you have a confirmed diagnosis. The Compassionate Allowances List Acute leukemia . Lou Gehrigs disease Stage IV breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer. Gallbladder cancer. Early-onset Alzheimers disease. Small cell lung cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma.

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The Next Steps To Take

Statistically, your best chance of having a Social Security Disability case approved because of arthritis comes during your hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.

During this hearing, you will be allowed to have representation, and will also be allowed to make your case in person regarding why your arthritic condition keeps you from being able to work. You will also be allowed to bring witnesses who can testify on your behalf regarding the effects your condition has had on your ability to work.

Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Qualify Me For Disability Benefits

Rheumatoid arthritis is discussed in the Social Security Administrations Blue Book listing of disabling conditions, in Section 14 under paragraph 14.09 .

It is possible to receive Social Security Disability benefits with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

To consider whether you meet the listing exactly , the SSA will review your medical records to see what your test results have been, including inflammation blood tests and blood antibody tests. They will also look to see whether you have chronic or repeated manifestations of inflammatory arthritis, among many other possible signs and symptoms. Other immune disorder listings will also be considered, to determine whether you equal another listing besides 14.09.

But remember, you dont need to exactly meet a Blue Book listing to qualify for disability benefits. Because, at the end of the day, what the SSA generally cares about most is whether or not your Rheumatoid Arhtritis meets certain requirements, including:

  • That it rises to the level of a severe impairment, meaning it impacts your ability to do work
  • That it, combined with any other impairments you may have, prevent you from sustaining work
  • That it has affected you, or is expected to affect you, for at least one year .

If that is the case, then you may very well qualify for monthly disability benefits.

to see how!

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At What Point Does The Government Consider Ra A Disability

The Social Security Administration considers RA a disability if a person meets the following eligibility criteria:

  • the persons condition is so severe that they will need to be out of work for 12 months or more
  • the person has gained enough work credits to qualify for disability benefits

The SSA calculates work credits based on the total amount a person earns each year. According to the SSA, in 2021, a person can receive one credit for every $1,470 of earned income for a maximum of four credits per year.

Though the amount needed per credit often increases each year, a person can accumulate credits at different points in their life. They will not disappear if a person stops working for several years.

Problems To Overcome With Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability Benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis

More than one million people file for disability benefits with the Social Security Administration each year.

  • The bad news is, nearly two out of three who apply for disability benefits will be denied.
  • The good news is, expert help is available to assist with the process and improve your odds of winning your case.

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When An Autoimmune Disease Occurs The Bodys Immune System Mistakes Its Own Tissue For A Foreign Substance Such As A Virus Or Bacteria

The body then develops antibodies to target and destroy these invaders. When synovial tissue, the lining in joints that provides lubrication, is attacked, chronic swelling and pain results. Inflammation thickens synovial fluid which destroys cartilage and bone within the joint tendons which hold the joint together then weaken and stretch. Rheumatoid Arthritis can affect any organ in the body, including the heart and lungs. RA affects smaller joints first, such as fingers, hands and feet and then spreads to knees, ankles, hips and shoulders. Over time, the erosion of bone can cause deformity and permanent disability.

Is Rheumatoid Arthritis A Disability

Simply being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis does not qualify you for disability. However, if your ability to work is greatly affected or impaired by your condition, then with the proper documentation, you may be entitled to SSA disability benefits.

The exact requirements that a person must meet to qualify for disability with rheumatoid arthritis are defined by the SSA blue book under Section 14.09. In general, a person must be able to provide documentation that rheumatoid arthritis has greatly affected their joints or constitution, and this has limited their ability to perform their job.

For example, you can qualify for disability with rheumatoid arthritis if you have experienced one of the following:

  • Chronic Inflammation or deformity of the major joints in your arms and legs, and it has led to an inability to walk without a walker and perform fine motor movements with your hands
  • Inflammation or deformity of the major joints in your arms and legs along with two organs or body systems being moderately to severely affected, and youve experienced weight loss, fatigue, fever, and/or malaise
  • Repeated flare ups with weight loss, fatigue, fever, and/or malaise, along with a limitation of daily activities, social functioning, or the ability to turn in tasks on time

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Medical Evidence Of Your Condition

  • The name and contact information for your rheumatologist and other health care providers who can discuss your medical condition
  • A complete list of present and past medications, and a list of any medical tests you have had for RA
  • A description of how RA symptoms impact your ability to do tasks like shopping, cooking, cleaning, and other activities of daily life

What Is A Disability

Pin auf arthrities

The medical definition of disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , is any condition of the mind or body that makes it harder for a person to do major activities and participate in the world around them.

A disability can affect a persons vision, hearing, movement, mental health, cognition , and/or social relationships.

A disability can be related to a variety of conditions, including:

  • Congenital conditions present at birth and that continue to affect function as a person ages
  • Progressive conditions like muscular dystrophy
  • Static conditions, such as limb loss

Many conditions that cause disability are invisible diseasesconditions with symptoms not visible to others. The physical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, such as joint pain, stiffness, and swelling, and persistent fatigue, are invisible.

The impairments caused by rheumatoid arthritis can be both visible and invisible. Joint damage might be visible and evident in the hands and fingers, for example. But the effect on the quality of life cannot be seen and impacts many areas of a persons life, including their work life, social life, and family life.

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Don’t Try To Win Social Security Disability Benefits Alone

Thousands of regulations govern the way Social Security decides who gets disability benefits. Social Security even has its own separate legal system to process disability cases.

You dont have to face this on your own. Living with rheumatoid arthritis is draining enough.

You pay no attorney fee until you win benefits, so theres little risk for you. Get Penar Law to take care of your disability claim.

Tell Us About Your Case.

Please Answer A Few Questions To Help Us Determine Your Eligibility

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when a person’s immune system attacks the membranes surrounding their joints, causing painful swelling and inflammation. Although RA can affect anyone, it’s most common in women, people between the ages of 40-60, smokers, and those who have a family history of RA.

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Consult With A Social Security Attorney

If the SSA determines that your arthritis precludes you from performing any kind of available work, they will approve your claim and you will begin receiving social Security Disability benefits. It is worth noting that most initial claims are denied.

If your claim is denied, you should consider consulting a Social Security Disability attorney regarding the best way to go about the appeals process.

Many Social Security Disability claims which are initially denied are later approved in the appeals process. While you are allowed to represent yourself at all stages of the process, you are much more likely to win your case if you are represented by a disability lawyer.

S To Take In Order To Qualify

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Social Security Disability

To determine whether a person qualifies for Social Security Disability because of arthritis, the SSA uses the following steps:

Financial Requirements

The SSA first determines whether you are currently working. If you are gainfully employed , you will be disqualified for Social Security Disability based on your demonstrated ability to perform substantial gainful activity.

To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance , you will need to have enough work credits. These are earned by working and paying Social Security taxes. Typically, if you have worked five of the last ten years, you will have enough work credits. Depending on your age, there are a specific number of credits you must have to qualify for SSDI.

If you do not have enough work credits, but your income and assets are limited, you may be eligible for Supplement Security Income . SSI is meant for those of extreme financial need, so you must have less than $2,000 in assets . SSI is based on household income, so your spouses income will be considered when the SSA is determining if you are financially eligible.

Medical Requirements For Disability Benefits With Arthritis

The SSA determines whether your arthritis is severe enough to hinder you from performing physical activities commonly required for working. These activities may include such things as:

  • sitting or standing
  • kneeling or walking
  • lifting and use of fine motor skills

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Percentage Of People Denied Initially

The SSA receives more than ten thousand disability applications every year, and unfortunately, 70 percent of the applications are rejected every year. It may make you panic, but let me tell you, gathering all the information related to your medical background and work history and completing enough work credits is difficult.

Most applicants dont complete their applications correctly, which is the only reason for rejection. So you need to make sure you need to fill out the application appropriately. You should work thoroughly with the points that may have chances to deny getting disability benefits.

Suppose the application process seems to be complicated, then better work with the disability attorney of SSA. He understands the application process of SSA very well and helps you fill out the application form appropriately, and you may also expect to get positive results.

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F How Do We Document And Evaluate Hiv Infection

Any individual with HIV infection, including one with a diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome , may be found disabled under 14.11 if his or her impairment meets the criteria in that listing or is medically equivalent to the criteria in that listing.

1. Documentation of HIV infection.

a. Definitive documentation of HIV infection. We may document a diagnosis of HIV infection by positive findings on one or more of the following definitive laboratory tests:

HIV antibody screening test , confirmed by a supplemental HIV antibody test such as the Western blot , an immunofluorescence assay, or an HIV-1/HIV-2 antibody differentiation immunoassay.

HIV nucleic acid detection test .

HIV p24 antigen test.

Isolation of HIV in viral culture.

Other tests that are highly specific for detection of HIV and that are consistent with the prevailing state of medical knowledge.

b. We will make every reasonable effort to obtain the results of your laboratory testing. Pursuant to §§ 404.1519f and 416.919f, we will purchase examinations or tests necessary to make a determination in your claim if no other acceptable documentation exists.

c. Other acceptable documentation of HIV infection. We may also document HIV infection without definitive laboratory evidence.

2. Documentation of the manifestations of HIV infection.

c. Other acceptable documentation of manifestations of HIV infection. We may also document manifestations of HIV infection without definitive laboratory evidence.

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The Cost Of Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Because RA is a chronic autoimmune disorder, you will require lifelong medical treatment. According to Web MD, many of the medications used to treat RA are expensive, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 per month. Even with health insurance, the co-pays and coinsurance can add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars per year.

Of course there are ongoing doctor visits to your primary care provider, rheumatologist and orthopedic specialist. These visits also require co-pays. For severe episodes, hospitalization may be required. On average, someone with RA can expect to pay out $1,500 per month for treating their condition.

How To Qualify Using Blue Book Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

How Disabling is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

If you have mild or moderate symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, then Social Security Administration will not provide you disability benefits.

Rheumatoid arthritis falls under section 14.00 -Immune system disorder of the Blue Book. According to SSA, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, you need to provide documented medical evidence of one or more criteria.

#1. Constant inflammation or deformity on one or more joints in legs that cause one of the following described below.

  • Not able to walk properly
  • Not able to use both arms either for essential daily activities or for daily function in work

#2. Have inflammation or deformity in one or more joints in arms or leg and has affected two vital organs of your body with at least two symptoms described below.

  • Fever
  • Malaise

#3. Presence of severe ankylosing spondylitis or Spondyloarthropathy

#4. Continous arthritis symptoms along with other symptoms like weight loss, fever, and not being able to function from one of the following.

  • Social functioning like communicating with others, maintaining relationships, or interacting independently with co-employees, boss, and others
  • Daily activities like maintaining personal hygiene, traveling in public transportation, paying bills, etc.
  • Completion of tasks related to work within time, like completion of projects within time and the ability to work with rheumatoid arthritis without taking many breaks.
  • Blood antibody test
  • Imaging tests like CT scans and X-ray report
  • Inflammation blood tests

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