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Can Psoriatic Arthritis Cause Tailbone Pain

Psoriatic Arthritis And Back Pain: What You Need To Know

Chapter 10: Arthritis Causing Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain

Psoriatic arthritis is a inflammatory type of arthritis that develops in some people with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to build up and form scaly plaques. Psoriasis affects 74 million adults in the United States, and about 30% of patients diagnosed with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis causes inflammation in many joints of the body because the immune system is attacking its own joints. It commonly affects the lumbar spine, or low back.

Tailbone Book Chapter : Arthritis Causing Tailbone Pain

Tailbone Book, Chapter 10: Arthritis Causing Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain
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Chapter 10 of Tailbone Pain Book, ARTHRITIS, Coccyx Pain, osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease, DJD

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Osteoarthritis Of The Hip

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The ball is the top of your thigh bone, and it sits in a socket thats formed by part of your pelvic bone. Slippery tissue called cartilage covers the bone surface and helps cushion the joint. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage gradually wears down, which over time leads to pain and stiffness. The most common symptom of hip osteoarthritis is pain around the hip joint. As hip OA disease progresses, low-grade inflammation can set in, explains physical therapist Colleen Louw, PT, spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association . That results in increased sensitivity of the surrounding nerves, which can cause pain in and around the low back and buttocks.

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Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis

You might think skin rashes and joint pain are the only PsA symptoms. But there are other symptoms that can help you and your doctor get to a PsA diagnosis.

Most PsA symptoms appear in the skin, joints, nails, and entheses , and the effects differ in each part of your body. Here are a few to watch out for:

  • Skin: Look out for a painful, red rash or patches of dry, dead skin. These often pop up on the knees, elbows, scalp, buttocks, or belly button but can occur anywhere on your body.
  • Joints: They may feel tender, warm, or painful. Sometimes, joints can swell a great deal and be hard to move. Fingers, wrists, ankles, and knees are the most commonly affected joints, though symptoms may also occur in the neck, hips, and spine.
  • Entheses: Especially at the back of the heel and bottom of the foot, the connection of the ligament to the bone can swell and become painful. You may have decreased mobility of the area.
  • Nails: Watch out for white spots, pitting , ridging , cracking, or the nail lifting from the nail bed.

Some people say pain is located directly in the joints. Others experience stiffness in the morning that dissipates as the day goes on or with a warm shower.

You may also experience eye redness and pain, fatigue, slight fever, and/or depression. Some people even have flu-like symptoms, such as all-over body aches.

As you can see, symptoms can vary wildly, but theyll usually include a skin rash and some kind of joint or body ache or tenderness.

Symptoms Of Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Whats Causing My Hip Pain?

Patients with SI joint pain often report diffuse pain of

  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain in the buttocks, hips, and pelvis
  • Pain in the groin
  • Pain limited to just one of the SI joints
  • Increased pain when standing up from a sitting position
  • Stiffness or a burning sensation in the pelvis
  • Numbness
  • Weakness

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Causes Of Psoriatic Arthritis

No one really knows what causes PsA. Research suggests a genetic connection, meaning that if you have a family member with PsA, youre more likely to have it yourself.

Theres some evidence that a trauma or an infection could trigger PsA. So, an earlier illness could have set your immune system into overdrive, and now its going to town on your skin and joints.

Either way, PsA definitely isnt contagious. And having PsA doesnt guarantee that youll pass it on to your children, though they may have an increased risk.

There isnt much you can do to avoid PsA, but you can manage the symptoms and try to reduce your triggers.

Los Angeles Hemorrhoid Treatment To Stop Tailbone Pain

In most cases, hemorrhoids only require conservative treatment. Once see a doctor and you have a diagnosis, you can begin making the small lifestyle changes likely recommended by your doctor. You can use sitz baths and over the counter medications recommended by your doctor to manage pain and symptoms until you heal.

Often, eating a diet higher in fiber and with increased water intake can help keep your bowel movements regular and prevent a recurrence. If a recurrence does occur or if your case is serious, your doctor may recommend an in-office procedure to treat your hemorrhoids. In some cases, surgery for hemorrhoids in Los Angeles may be necessary.

If you do not have a doctor, the team from Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates can help. We are trained to diagnose and treat hemorrhoids, including tailbone pain or any other unusual symptoms you may have. Make an appointment and confidential consultation by calling our team today at 273-2310.

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How To Treat Psoriatic Arthritis

Just as there is no specific test to diagnose psoriatic arthritis, there is, unfortunately, no treatment either. Psoriatic arthritis cannot be reversed, but there are certain medications, treatment methods, and lifestyle changes that one can undergo to reduce pain and manage symptoms.


Medications, specifically NSAIDs , can be taken to reduce inflammation and relieve associated pain. Various medications, such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve, are available as over-the-counter NSAIDs.


If NSAIDs dont reduce the inflammation, steroids can be taken orally or through injections to alleviate pain and swelling. Common steroid options include prednisone, cortisone, triamcinolone, betamethasone, and methylprednisolone.


Because psoriatic arthritis limits mobility and joint function, exercise, and physical therapy are also effective methods for relieving symptoms. Exercise, such as swimming, biking, and yoga can help to reduce joint stiffness and increase range of motion.

Hot and Cold Therapy

To reduce inflammation, hot and cold packs can be applied to the affected joints to minimize the redness, swelling, and pain. Psoriatic arthritis symptoms can be reduced by alternating between cold compresses or ice packs and heat wraps or heating pads.

Maintain Healthy Weight

Can Arthritis Cause Sacroiliitis

Psoriatic Arthritis Is Not âJust Aâ? Joint Pain

In some cases, yes. Types of arthritis that can cause inflammation in the SI joint include:

Ankylosing spondylitis or axial spondyloarthritis

This inflammatory disease affects the joints of your spine, or vertebrae, as well as SI joints. In fact, sacroiliitis is often an early symptom of AS, with symptoms such as pain and stiffness in your lower back and hips.

Psoriatic arthritis

This form of inflammatory arthritis sometimes occurs with psoriasis, a condition where scaly red and white patches develop on the skin. Psoriatic arthritis in the spine, called spondylitis, causes inflammation in both the vertebrae and SI joints. Here are other psoriatic arthritis symptoms you could be overlooking.


Known as wear-and-tear arthritis, OA occurs when the cartilage that cushions and protects the ends of your bones gradually deteriorates. Aging, obesity, and other factors take a toll on your SI joints cartilage, which can lead to inflammation and joint pain. This is different, however, from the inflammation in AS and PsA, which occurs because your immune system is attacking healthy tissue there.

Other causes of sacroiliitis include:

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Join A Community That Understands

MyPsoriasisTeam is the social network for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. On MyPsoriasisTeam, members of a community of more than 87,000 strong provide each other with support, share their stories, and discuss life with psoriasis and PsA.

Do you experience PsA symptoms in your knees? How do you manage your pain? Join MyPsoriasisTeam today and share your story in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

Types Of Arthritis That Cause Sacroiliac Joint Pain And Their Symptoms

If you have chronic low back pain, arthritic changes to your sacroiliac joint may be the cause. The sacroiliac joint or SI joint is the joint between the sacrum and the ilium bones of the pelvis, which is connected by strong ligaments. In humans, the sacrum supports the spine and is supported in turn by an ilium on each side. Many types of arthritis can affect the SI joint. An estimated 15% to 30% of all low back pain cases originate at the SI joint.

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What Is Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain is any discomfort in the region of the very lowest level of the spine, including pain between the buttocks and pain throughout the genital area. The tailbone is a bony spike at the bottom of the sacrum, which is a shield-shaped group of fused bones that connects the spinal column to the pelvis. Medically speaking, the tailbone is called the coccyx, and tailbone pain is called coccydynia or coccygodynia.

Tailbone pain usually is not a symptom of a serious disease, disorder or condition. Rarely, it can be a symptom of a tumor. Tailbone can result from trauma , vaginal childbirth, arthritis, and sitting for long periods of timeespecially on a hard surface.

Depending on the cause, tailbone pain can occur suddenly, develop gradually, or come and go over a long period of time. Tailbone pain might only happen in certain circumstances, such as when you rise from a chair, or it can feel like a constant dull ache.

Tailbone pain often clears up on its own, but you should seek prompt medical care if you experience tailbone pain along with loss of feeling or movement in the legs or feet, difficulty urinating or having a bowel movement, painful sexual intercourse, or trouble achieving or maintaining an erection.

What Are Treatment Options

Spinal Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Minor pain and stiffness of mild PsA can be alleviated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . In addition, injections of corticosteroids may be used.4

For moderate to severe disease, treatments that target joint disease in PsA can reduce symptoms and prevent disease progression. Recommended treatments include disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs .

The first step for treatments is usually DMARDs such as methotrexate, leflunomide, or sulfasalazine. Other treatments include medicines that target tumor necrosis factor , a chemical that produces a wide range of inflammation in PsA. Examples of TNF blockers include etanercept , adalimumab , infliximab , golimumab , and certolizumab pegol . Other DMARDs that have proven effective in clinical trials include ustekinumab , brodalumab , and secukinumab . 1 The FDA has also recently approved Inflectra , a biosimilar to infliximab, for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis.8

Physical and occupational therapy can be critical treatment approaches to both protect the involved joints and maintain function. A physical therapy program generally includes various exercises and stretches, applied heat and/or cold, orthotics, assistive devices for gait, and possible vocational readjustments.2

Surgical care may be indicated for severe disease. Arthroscopic surgery to the synovial capsule has shown to be effective, and joint replacement or reconstructive surgery are occasionally necessary.2

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Talk With Others Who Understand

On myRAteam, the social network for people with rheumatoid arthritis and their loved ones, more than 190,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with RA. Here, finding home remedies to alleviate pain is a commonly discussed topic.

Are you looking for ways to find relief from tailbone pain? Is chronic low back pain affecting your quality of life? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

How Is Sacroiliitis Diagnosed

Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, including any previous inflammatory disorders or conditions. Other diagnostic tests include:

  • Physical exam, movement tests – During the physical exam, the spine is examined for proper alignment and rotation. During various physical movement tests, you are positioned or asked to move in specific directions. In some of these tests, the doctor applies pressure to your sacroiliac joint, spine, hip, or leg. The greater the number of tests that are positive , the higher the likelihood that you have sacroiliitis.
  • Blood work – Blood work looks for signs of inflammation.
  • Imaging tests – X-rays, CT scans, and/or MRI scans may be ordered if the doctor suspects an injury as the source of pain or to look for changes in the sacroiliac joint.
  • Steroid injection An injection of steroids into the sacroiliac joint is both a diagnostic test if it relieves pain and a treatment. This procedure is performed using x-ray to guide the spinal needle to the appropriate location for the injection.

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How To Ease Buttock Pain From Arthritis

If youre experiencing buttock pain and youre not sure why, your primary care doctor is a good place to start. They may refer you to a rheumatologist or orthopedic doctor depending on your symptoms and circumstances.

If youre already diagnosed with arthritis and are experiencing buttock pain thats new or different, its important to let your doctor know. You might have an additional kind of arthritis or injury alongside your current diagnosis.

Step one for buttock pain treatment is following your arthritis treatment plan, says Dr. Lajam. Taking your medication as prescribed and maintaining a healthy weight can help relieve buttock pain caused by arthritis. Your doctor may recommend steroid injections in affected joints to help relieve the related buttock pain.

Also key: Staying active. Exercises that help stretch and strengthen low back, hip, and buttock muscles can also ease pain. Your doctor may advise physical therapy. You can also try these buttock pain exercises, recommended by Louw at APTA and Dr. Lajam from the AAOS.

Classification Of Psoriatic Arthritis

Is That Joint Pain Psoriatic Arthritis?

The simple and highly specific Classification Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis , developed by a large international study group, has a sensitivity and specificity of 98.7% and 91.4%, respectively. The criteria consist of established inflammatory articular disease with at least 3 points from the following features:

  • Current psoriasis
  • A history of psoriasis
  • A family history of psoriasis
  • Dactylitis
  • Juxta-articular new-bone formation
  • RF negativity
  • Nail dystrophy

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You Have Pain Or Burning In Your Elbow

A condition called tennis elbow can sometimes show up as a symptom of psoriatic arthritis, even if youve never picked up a racquet. Again, this has to do with the inflammation that happens in spots where your tendons connect to bones, says Dr. Rosenstein. You might notice pain or burning in the external part of your elbow, along with poor grip strength, per the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Tips To Relieve Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain usually heals on its own. You can manage your tailbone pain at home by:

  • Using coccyx cushions while sitting
  • Applying heat and ice therapy to the painful area
  • Considering over-the-counter topical and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Taking OTC stool softeners to reduce the pressure on the coccyx during a bowel movement
  • Modifying activities to include less sitting

If your tailbone pain does not reduce with these measures, consult a doctor for a more accurate diagnostic checkup and medical treatment. A doctor may recommend steroid or nerve block injections, coccygeal manipulation, and/or pelvic floor physical therapy to manage your tailbone pain.3 In rare cases and depending on the cause, surgical removal of the coccyx may be recommended.

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Tips For Managing Tailbone Pain

People with RA may choose to manage tailbone pain just as they would manage the symptoms of an RA flare. This treatment plan may include pain management with over-the-counter pain relievers such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , corticosteroids, regular use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, and heat and cold therapy.

Ways to reduce tailbone pain and other RA symptoms include:

Additional lifestyle recommendations for tailbone pain include leaning forward while sitting down and sitting on a doughnut or wedge-shaped cushion to help ease tailbone discomfort.

Some myRAteam members shared their experiences with different forms of tailbone pain management:

  • I am on Plaquenil and methotrexate injectable. These meds are to put my rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and Sjögrens in remission, and they do help my pain.
  • Steroids helped me. I had a high dose to start and weaned off them shortly after. I found that I didnt have many side effects.
  • When Im in a lot of pain, I will run a hot bath.
  • Aleve, heating pads, and hot baths are the only things that seem to dim the pain.

If your pain doesnt improve over time, medical interventions may include physical therapy targeting the pelvic floor muscles, medications such as antiepileptics and antidepressants, and in extremely rare cases surgical removal of the coccyx bone.

Stretches And Movements To Try

Ankylosing Spondylitis Medications

On days when I find myself exhausted and not wanting to move much, I do my best to get up and move every once in a while, says Steyer. If she’s reading a book or helping one of her kids with a project, she makes sure to get up and move around at regular intervals. Ill get up and put dishes in the dishwasher, get another load of laundry going, or just stretch, she says.

If you have to sit for hours at a time, Ryan recommends the following exercises to reduce pain and stiffness in your joints:

Head Rotations Move your head left and then right, which can help prevent stiffness in your spine.

Chin Tucks While sitting upright and keeping your chest still, dip your chin toward the base of your neck without moving your head too far forward.

Shoulder Rolls Keeping your chest still and arms by your side, roll your shoulders up, then back, and then down.

Pelvic Circles While standing, move your pelvis around to the right and then around to the left.

Back Extensions Place both of your hands on your lower back while standing, and then arch backwards so that you feel an extension in the spine.

Ryan recommends doing one to two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of each of the above exercises during regular breaks throughout the day. Do more if it feels good, she says, adding that you should do the exercises in pain-free ranges, which means pushing the movement only as far as you can without feeling any pain.

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