Hand Cysts And Tumors
A tumor is any kind of unusual group of cells that grows in your body. We often associate tumors with cancer, but most hand tumors are not cancerous.
A ganglion cyst is the most common hand tumor and generally grows either on the top or inner side of your wrist. These fluid-filled pouches can put pressure on your nerves, causing hand pain.
What Causes A Swollen Knee
Knee swelling from mild knee osteoarthritis, non-septic knee bursitis, or a minor injury can be treated at home with over-the-counter medication and the R.I.C.E. formula. ReadHow to Care for a Swollen Knee
Swelling in a knee joint may limit knee flexibility and function. For example, a person may find it difficult to fully bend or completely straighten a swollen knee, and the joint may naturally bend 15° to 25° while the leg is at rest.1 The swollen knee may also be painful, red, and/or difficult to put weight on.
Depending on the underlying condition, a swollen knee may be treated at home using the R.I.C.E. formula or may require medical treatment. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.
What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis Rashes
People with RA are prone to episodes known as flares. A flare indicates that there is increased disease activity in a persons body. A person may have more symptoms associated with the condition, including fever, joint swelling, and fatigue. During a flare-up, a rheumatoid arthritis rash is more likely to occur.
When vasculitis causes a rash, this is most likely due to inflammation of small arteries and veins. This is due to high levels of rheumatoid factor in the blood.
RA can cause complications beyond a rash. Vasculitis can affect blood flow in arteries and veins. The results of severe episodes of vasculitis can be:
- numbness and tingling in the nerves, including loss of sensation in the hands and feet
- affected blood flow to the extremities that can cause gangrene in the fingers or toes
- systemic vasculitis that affects blood flow to the brain or heart that can result in heart attack or stroke
The occurrence of RV is rare, and the complications above are even rarer. However, its possible that a rash could be a precursor to something more severe. See your doctor if you experience any signs or symptoms of RV.
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What Causes Bruising On Legs
Other causes Dietary supplements. Although it is rare, some supplements may cause bleeding and bruising. Medications. Some medications may affect the bodys clotting ability and cause unexplained bruising on the legs and. Physical abuse. Sometimes, random bruising is the result of physical abuse. .Causes of Bruises on Legs 1) Traumatic Causes Automobile accidents Accidental falls Injuries from playing sports Injuries from bumping into an. 2) Other Causes Thinning skin due to aging and other types of medical conditions Medications that.Most bruises form when small blood vessels near the skins surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury often on the arms or legs. When this happens, blood leaks out of the vessels and initially appears as a black-and-blue mark. Eventually your body reabsorbs the blood, and the mark disappears.
Triggers Of Psoriatic Arthritis Flares
Every person has their own unique experience with psoriatic arthritis flare-ups. Something may cause a flare-up in one person but not in another. Thats why its important to track and log the triggers that set off your symptoms. Show the log to your doctor. Finding a link or pattern between certain activities and your psoriasis flare-ups can help control your outbreaks.
Common psoriatic arthritis triggers include the following.
Skin trauma or injury: This might include cuts, bumps, bruises, scratches, scrapes, or infections. Prevent injuries by being careful when cooking, gardening, nail trimming, and shaving. Wear gloves and long sleeves when doing an activity that could potentially cause injury.
Dry skin: Dry skin can cause a flare-up. Aim to keep skin hydrated with moisturizing lotions and creams.
Sunburn: While sunshine is good for psoriasis, getting sunburned is not. Always carry a hat and sunscreen.
Stress: Relaxation and stress reduction tactics such as yoga and meditation can alleviate stress and anxiety. Consider joining a psoriasis support group.
Alcohol: In addition to potentially causing flare-ups, alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness of certain medications.
Excess weight: Extra pounds can stress joints. Additionally, psoriasis plaques can develop in skin folds. People with psoriasis are at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, which can be triggered by an unhealthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a diet and exercise plan.
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Cardiovascular Warning Signs: Chest Pain Weakness
People who have psoriatic arthritis are more likely to die from cardiovascular problems, such as stroke or heart attack, according to both the NPF and a review published in January 2020 in the journal Joint Bone Spine.
Know the warning signs of a heart attack, which include discomfort or pain in the chest, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and pain in the upper body, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Stroke warning signs include drooping on one side of the face, arm weakness , and difficulty speaking, notes the American Stroke Association.
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Evaluation Of Pain In A Single Joint
Acute monoarticular joint pain requires rapid diagnosis because infectious arthritis requires rapid treatment.
Clinical evaluation should determine whether the joint or periarticular structures are the cause of symptoms and whether there is joint inflammation. If signs of inflammation are present or the diagnosis is unclear, symptoms and signs of polyarticular and systemic disorders should be sought.
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What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis
Thepsoriasis symptoms may start before or after the arthritis. Psoriasis causes red, scalyrashes and thick, pitted fingernails. About 3 in 20 to 3 in 10 people with psoriasismay develop psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis may include:
- Inflamed, swollen, and painful joints, often in the fingers and toes
- Deformed joints from chronic inflammation
The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis can look like other health conditions. Make sure to see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
What Is Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura is a blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding. A decrease in platelets can cause easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding. This disease is caused by an immune reaction against ones own platelets. It has also been called autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura.
- Thrombocytopenia means a decreased number of platelets in the blood.
- Purpura refers to the purple discoloring of the skin, as with a bruise.
ITP is a fairly common blood disorder that both children and adults can develop.
There are two forms of ITP:
- Acute thrombocytopenic purpura. This usually affects young children, ages 2 to 6 years old. The symptoms may follow a viral illness, such as chickenpox. Acute ITP usually starts suddenly and the symptoms usually disappear in less than 6 months, often within a few weeks. Treatment is often not needed. The disorder usually does not recur. Acute ITP is the most common form of the disorder.
- Chronic thrombocytopenic purpura. The onset of the disorder can happen at any age, and the symptoms can last a minimum of 6 months, several years, or a lifetime. Adults have this form more often than children do, but it does affect adolescents. Females have it more often than males. Chronic ITP can recur often and requires continual follow-up care with a blood specialist .
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How Psoriatic Arthritis Flares Are Diagnosed
Because PsA flares dont have a set definition, the diagnosis is made in large part through communication with your doctor. The first thing we do is we look at the history: whats been happening before the flare, Dr. Husni says. We want to know what the triggers are for your disease and we want patients to see the connection.
A skin flare is a bit easier to identify, and a diagnosis would be made with a rheumatologist and dermatologist. We work very closely with the dermatologist its important that they are involved in the treatment decision, Dr. Husni says.
PsA flare-ups can be so hard to pin down that both professionals we talked to suggested keeping a brief diary of your symptoms to help your doctor diagnose when they are happening, and why.
I recommend that people keep a symptom diary over time so that they can keep track of the conditions that might have preceded their flares in their lifetime, so that they can respond more proactively in the future, Crow says. Unfortunately often its most clear in retrospect. You can use our ArthritisPower app to track your symptoms and disease activity and share your results with your doctor.
What Is Psoriatic Arthritis Video
Psoriatic arthritis can cause pain, swelling and stiffness in and around your joints.
It usually affects people who already have the skin condition psoriasis . This causes patches of red, raised skin, with white and silvery flakes.
Sometimes people have arthritis symptoms before the psoriasis. In rare cases, people have psoriatic arthritis and never have any noticeable patches of psoriasis.
Psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis are autoimmune conditions. Our immune system protects us against illness and infection. In autoimmune conditions, the immune system becomes confused and attacks healthy parts of the body.
Both conditions can affect people of any age.
Its estimated that around one in five people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis.
People with psoriasis are as likely as anyone else to get other types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions are not linked to psoriasis.
Psoriatic arthritis is a type of spondyloarthritis. These are a group of conditions with some similar symptoms.
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Ra Comes With Indirect Symptoms
Although not a direct symptom, these bruises are definately a result of my RA. I have always bruised fairly easily and these days there is almost always a two-year-old crawling all over my lap or clinging to my legs. As part of my current RA treatment plan I have been taking a daily dose of prednisone for about five months now, and my doctor confirmed that the prednisone is the likely cause of this new level of crazy bruising.
So the other day as I stood there, looking at my bruised self in the mirror, my first reaction was to be completely disgusted. I tried to count all the bruises that I could see and there were at least 39 on my legs alone. The challenges of losing baby weight with RA and the moon face from the prednisone have already taken a toll on my self-esteem. Seeing all those bruises certainly did not help me feel any better about myself.
Because I find it helps me cope to always try to stay optimistic and keep looking forward, I tried to think of something potentially positive that I could learn from the situation. At first the only thing I could come up with was this: at least its wintertime and I am wearing long pants and long sleeves so no one will have to see all these disgusting bruises. At least its not swimsuit season.
Things You Only Understand If You Have Psoriatic Arthritis
Pain, anxiety, and fatigue are just a few of the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Heres what its really like to live with the condition.
Psoriatic arthritis is much more than just a few body aches. From pain and stiffness to severe fatigue, the condition comes with an array of symptoms that pose daily challenges for those who live with it. For those who dont have it, the mental and physical toll of psoriatic arthritis can be difficult to understand. Here are 15 statements only those who have psoriatic arthritis are familiar with. If you dont have the condition but know someone who does, this list can help you start deepening your understanding of psoriatic arthritis.
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Spine Shoulders And Hips
PsA that affects the spine is called axial psoriatic arthritis. It can cause bony growths and inflammation in various parts of the spine that affect the back, shoulders, and hips.
Over time, spinal inflammation may affect the joints between the vertebrae, which are the small bones in the spine. This is caused spondylitis.
PsA that affects the sacroiliac joints between the spine and the pelvis is called sacroiliitis. This is often felt at the bottom outside of your back near your hip. It can also cause pain further into the lower back, hips, or buttocks.
The back pain caused by axial PsA is different from common back pain in that it gets better with exercise and worse when sedentary. The pain may wake you up in the middle of the night and be worse the first 30 minutes after you wake up.
Over time, you may experience chronic joint pain and stiffness, which may make it hard for you to bend your spine. You may also experience decreased range of motion.
Spinal involvement usually comes later in the progression of PsA, but not always. Early treatment can often help prevent your spine from becoming affected.
Asymmetrical Joint Pain And Swelling
With psoriatic arthritis, stiffness, pain and throbbing of your joints is par for the course. Typically psoriatic arthritis will present asymmetrically in your joints: one joint may flare up but not the other. For instance, my left sacroiliac joint and knee and my right wrist and elbow are most commonly affected. Each psoriatic arthritic patient will have different joints affected, so be on the lookout for which of your joints are your main culprits.
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Chair Selection Is Important
It can be extremely difficult to get in different types of seats, depending on their height, width, and design, because of pain or stiffness. Luckily, I was a chemistry teacher, so I had lab stools, which were much easier for me, Dishner says. But outside school I would find myself scanning a room to find the right chair.
A Trip To The Physical Therapist Can Feel More Heavenly Than A Massage
A few months after being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, Rabe began physical therapy. I went two to three times a week, and the exercises I learned to do helped me cope with the pain, she says. Now any time I feel an ache in a new part of my body, Im right back at the physical therapists office. Exercises recommended by a therapist can help keep your joints flexible while strengthening your muscles and reducing pain.
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Get To Know Your Disease
The positive news is, living with PsA can become manageable as you figure out how it affects you. If the disease is new to you or early to you, flares are much more uncertain and scary, Dr. Husni says. Once youve had it for a longer period of time, flares become a lot less scary. This is a good time to have psoriatic arthritis because there are a lot of treatments available, more than we ever had before.
Will My Children Get Psoriasis
If both parents have psoriasis then the risk of children developing psoriasis is 15 out of 20 and if one parent has psoriasis, the risk of children developing the disease is 3 out of 20 . If a brother or sister has psoriasis then the risk of other siblings developing psoriasis is 1 out of 5 . Therefore, if you have psoriasis, your children will not necessarily develop it.
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Neither Will Taking Deep Breaths Or Meditating
While your well-meaning yogi friend may think the cure for your symptoms is to practice a few asanas, try as you might, yoga is not a cure for psoriatic arthritis. However, it may alleviate stress, and stress can worsen symptoms and bring on a flare. Yoga can also help ease pain and increase mobility, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation . So if you find the practice relaxing and beneficial, go for it!
Effects On The Digestive System
There is a link between inflammatory bowel disease , such as Crohns disease, and PsA because inflammation underlies both conditions. IBD causes diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.
People with PsA have a significantly increased risk of developing IBD, according to research from 2017. Other studies suggest that psoriasis is eight times more common in people with Crohns disease.
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What Modifications Can Help Ra Sufferers
People who have RA may find that they lose manual dexterity, which can make many tasks more difficult. These are a few of the modifications that can make it easier to perform everyday tasks:
- Add accessories to doorknobs so they can be turned more easily.
- Use velcro fasteners on clothing instead of buttons.
- Switch to lightweight versions of household pots and pans.
- Add foam padding to pens and pencils to make them easier to hold.
Treatment For Psoriatic Arthritis
Treatment for psoriatic arthritis aims to:
- relieve symptoms
- slow the condition’s progression
- improve quality of life
This usually involves trying a number of different medicines, some of which can also treat the psoriasis. If possible, you should take 1 medicine to treat both your psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
The main medicines used to treat psoriatic arthritis are:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- biological therapies
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Can Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Other Parts Of The Body
Having psoriatic arthritis can put you at risk of developing other conditions and complications around the body.
The chances of getting one of these are rare. But its worth knowing about them and talking to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Seek urgent medical attention if one or both of your eyes are red and painful, particularly if you have a change in your vision. You could go to your GP, an eye hospital, or your local A& E department.
These symptoms could be caused by a condition called uveitis, which is also known as iritis. It involves inflammation at the front of the eye.
This can permanently damage your eyesight if left untreated.
Other symptoms are:
- blurred or cloudy vision
- sensitivity to light
- not being able to see things at the side of your field of vision known as a loss of peripheral vision
- small shapes moving across your field of vision.
These symptoms can come on suddenly, or gradually over a few days. It can affect one or both eyes. It can be treated effectively with steroids.
Psoriatic arthritis can put you at a slightly higher risk of having a heart condition. You can reduce your risk by:
- not smoking
- staying at a healthy weight
- exercising regularly
- eating a healthy diet, thats low in fat, sugar and salt
- not drinking too much alcohol.
These positive lifestyle choices can help to improve your arthritis and skin symptoms.
Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns about your heart health.
Crohns disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease