Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What Does Arthritis Do To The Body

Why You Have Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

There are over 100 different types ofarthritis that can develop as you get older or following an injury. The many types of arthritis target your joints, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness and limiting your joints flexibility.

The two most common types of arthritis that affect many adults in the United States include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is no cure for RA. But it is important to help keep your joints working well by reducing pain and inflammation. Work on a treatment plan with your healthcare provider that includes medicine and physical therapy. Work on lifestyle changes that can improve your quality of life. Lifestyle changes include:

  • Activity and rest. To reduce stress on your joints, switch between activity and rest. This can help protect your joints and lessen your symptoms.
  • Using assistive devices. Canes, crutches, and walkers can help to keep stress off certain joints and to improve balance.
  • Using adaptive equipment. Reachers and grabbers let you extend your reach and reduce straining. Dressing aids help you get dressed more easily.
  • Managing the use of medicines. Medicines for this condition have some risks. Work with your healthcare provider to create a plan to reduce this risk.
  • Seeking support. Find a support group that can help you deal with the effects of RA.

Psoriatic Arthritis Signs And Symptoms

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are often mild and affect a few joints, more typically the fingers and toes. Severe cases can lead to spinal damage and result in burning sensations, as well as pain and stiffness. Fingernails may also become discoloured and pitted. Symptoms of psoriasis are also common and include skin and nail changes which worsen if the arthritis is not sufficiently managed.

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Ra In The Skeletal System

One of the first indications of RA is inflammation in the small joints of the hands and feet. Often, RA is symmetricalaffecting both sides of the body at once. Symmetry is key to diagnosing RA. Sometimes, RA does not cause symptoms on both sides, especially early on in the disease. The condition will become symmetrical as RA progresses.

Additional joints symptoms of RA include pain, swelling, stiffness, and tenderness. These are usually much worse in the morning and can last for 30 or more minutes. RA can also cause tingling or burning in the joints.

RA symptoms can affect any of your joints, especially as RA progresses. This includes symptoms in the hands, feet, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles.

As the disease progresses, it will affect tendons, ligaments, and muscles. These symptoms will eventually lead to range-of-motion problems and difficulty with moving your joints. Long-term inflammation in affected joints will cause those joints to become damaged and deformed.

Having RA can put you at a higher risk for osteoporosisa condition that bone loss and weakness. This weakness can eventually lead to bone fractures .

Ongoing inflammation in your wrists may lead to a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome, which can make it harder to use your wrists and hands. This same inflammation can cause weakness and damage the bones of your neck and cervical spine causing severe, ongoing pain.

Your Arthritis Healthcare Team


A range of health professionals are able to help you manage your arthritis, including:

  • general practitioner your GP is central to your care and will help you manage day-to-day, as well as helping you access other health professionals and services
  • rheumatologist a doctor who specialises in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions
  • physiotherapist will use physical means, including exercise, to help keep your body moving and functioning as well as possible
  • dietitian will provide information and advice on food and nutrition
  • occupational therapist can help you learn better ways to do everyday activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking, working, eating or driving
  • exercise physiologist will help to improve your health and fitness through exercise programs tailored to your specific situation
  • podiatrist will assess, diagnose and treat any foot and lower limb problems you may have
  • pharmacist can help you with information and advice about medications both prescription and over-the-counter
  • psychologist can help you to work through your feelings, particularly if you are feeling anxious or depressed.

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What Do Doctors Do

Just because a joint hurts doesn’t mean a kid has JIA. A joint might hurt for a lot of different reasons, which is why it’s important to see a doctor to figure out what the problem is.

The doctor will ask a lot of questions: How long has the kid had joint problems? Does he or she feel stiff when getting up or after resting? Are the joints swollen? Was there an injury? Could another problem be causing arthritis, such as Lyme disease? Is there a family history of arthritis or other autoimmune diseases?

Getting these answers and doing a physical exam, blood tests, and X-rays will help the doctor figure out if it is JIA. If your doctor thinks you may have it, he or she may send you to see a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis. This kind of doctor is called a rheumatologist .


Arthritis In The Back And Spine

Arthritis of the spine often occurs with aging, but can progress faster in people who have poor posture, are very sedentary, do not exercise, or are overweight.

Symptoms of spinal arthritis include:

  • Stiffness in the spine and loss of range of motion
  • Tenderness over the affected vertebrae of the spine
  • Possible nerve root compression

Arthritis of the spine can cause degenerative narrowing of the openings in the vertebrae where the spinal cord and nerve roots sit. If the narrowing is severe, compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots can develop, causing radiating pain into the hips and legs, resulting in a condition called spinal stenosis. Other symptoms include numbness, weakness, burning, or tingling in the legs.

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How Does Arthritis Affect The Body

Arthritis is a common condition that affects the joints and tissues in the body. It can be caused by injury, infection, or overuse. The pain from arthritis can interfere with daily activities such as walking upstairs or holding objects for an extended period. This article will explore how arthritis affects different parts of the body.

Symptoms Of Ra Can Occur In Any Of The Bodys Joints Including Your:

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As the disease progresses, cartilage and bone are damaged and destroyed. Eventually, supporting tendons, ligaments, and muscles weaken. This can lead to a limited range of motion or difficulty moving the joints properly. In the long term, joints can become deformed.

Having RA also puts you at greater risk of developing osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones. This in turn can increase your risk of bone fractures and breaks.

Chronic inflammation of the wrists can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, making it difficult to use your wrists and hands. Weakened or damaged bones in the neck or cervical spine can cause chronic pain.

Your doctor may order X-rays to investigate the extent of joint and bone damage from RA.

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What Are The Risk Factors For Ra

Researchers have studied a number of genetic and environmental factors to determine if they change persons risk of developing RA.

Characteristics that increase risk

  • Age. RA can begin at any age, but the likelihood increases with age. The onset of RA is highest among adults in their sixties.
  • Sex. New cases of RA are typically two-to-three times higher in women than men.
  • Genetics/inherited traits. People born with specific genes are more likely to develop RA. These genes, called HLA class II genotypes, can also make your arthritis worse. The risk of RA may be highest when people with these genes are exposed to environmental factors like smoking or when a person is obese.
  • Smoking. Multiple studies show that cigarette smoking increases a persons risk of developing RA and can make the disease worse.
  • History of live births. Women who have never given birth may be at greater risk of developing RA.
  • Early Life Exposures. Some early life exposures may increase risk of developing RA in adulthood. For example, one study found that children whose mothers smoked had double the risk of developing RA as adults. Children of lower income parents are at increased risk of developing RA as adults.
  • Obesity. Being obese can increase the risk of developing RA. Studies examining the role of obesity also found that the more overweight a person was, the higher his or her risk of developing RA became.

Characteristics that can decrease risk

What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, which means that your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake, causing inflammation in the affected parts of the body.

RA mainly attacks the joints, usually many joints at once. RA commonly affects joints in the hands, wrists, and knees. In a joint with RA, the lining of the joint becomes inflamed, causing damage to joint tissue. This tissue damage can cause long-lasting or chronic pain, unsteadiness , and deformity .

RA can also affect other tissues throughout the body and cause problems in organs such as the lungs, heart, and eyes.

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How Tylenol Arthritis Works

Tylenol Arthritis contains two layersone that releases quickly for fast relief and one that releases slowly to provide lasting relief of up to eight hours. For these layers to work properly, you must swallow the caplets whole with water. There is a total of 650 mg of acetaminophen in each tablet. Regular Strength and Extra Strength Tylenol do not have two layers and contain less acetaminophen per caplet, 325 mg, and 500 mg respectively.

Acetaminophen is an analgesic, meaning it relieves pain. Acetaminophen is not an anti-inflammatory, so it does not ease swelling. For this reason, Tylenol Arthritis is best for osteoarthritis and not inflammatory types of arthritis such as rheumatoid, reactive, or gout.

Acetaminophen is thought to work by interfering with hormones called prostaglandins, reducing pain sensations within the nerve endings, nervous system, and brain.

Tylenol Arthritis can temporarily relieve other types of pain such as general aches, muscle soreness, toothache, menstrual cramps, achiness during cold and flu, and back pain. As with other acetaminophen-containing drugs, Tylenol Arthritis can also help reduce fevers.

Who Is At Risk For Arthritis

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Some risk factors for arthritis that cant be avoided or changed include:

  • Age. The older you are, the more likely you are to have arthritis.

  • Gender. Women are more likely to have arthritis than men.

  • Heredity. Some types of arthritis are linked to certain genes.

Risk factors that may be avoided or changed include:

  • Weight. Being overweight or obese can damage your knee joints. This can make them more likely to develop osteoarthritis.

  • Injury. A joint that has been damaged by an injury is more likely to develop arthritis at some point.

  • Infection. Reactive arthritis can affect joints after an infection.

  • Your job. Work that involves repeated bending or squatting can lead to knee arthritis.

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Do Certain Types Of Weather Make Arthritis Worse

Some people find that arthritis feels worse during certain types of weather. Humidity and cold are two common triggers of joint pain.

There are a variety of reasons why this might happen. People tend to be less active in rainy seasons and the wintertime. The cold and damp can also stiffen joints and aggravate arthritis. Other theories suggest that barometric pressure, or the pressure of the air around us, may have some effect on arthritis.

If you find that certain types of weather make your arthritis worse, talk to your healthcare provider about ways to manage your symptoms. Dressing warmly, exercising inside or using heat therapy may help relieve your pain.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints. There are many types of arthritis, all of which can cause pain and reduce mobility. Some forms of arthritis result from natural wear and tear. Other types come from autoimmune diseases or inflammatory conditions. There are a variety of treatments for arthritis, ranging from physical or occupational therapy to joint surgery. Your healthcare provider will assess your symptoms and recommend the right treatment plan for your needs. Most people can successfully manage arthritis and still do the activities they care about.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/15/2021.


Expert Q& A: Just Dealing With Chronic Pain

Why itâs important to get proper treatment for chronic pain.

Q: With both fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, I have constant pain. Even with treatment, it never goes away completely. Ive just been dealing with it. Is that OK?

Chronic pain is not a problem you should just put up with in fact, you should be dealing with chronic pain in ways that are effective. This is important because an increasing number of studies show serious consequences of having chronic pain. It may cause damage to certain areas of the brain, just as chronic stress does. Chronic pain also may lead to psychological problems, such as depression social problems, such as isolation or decreased earning potential and functional problems, such as decreased activity or disability.

Medications can also be helpful. For moderate-to-severe knee osteoarthritis , the supplement glucosamine may provide some relief, as may the right combination of analgesics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . There are three drugs specifically approved for use in fibromyalgia, as well as many drugs that have been shown to be effective but are not specifically approved.

Tell your doctor that the treatments you tried previously are not resolving your chronic pain, and then work with him to find the right combination of treatments for you. It may take some time, but the result will be worth the effort.

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Arthritis In The Hips

With hip arthritis, the ball-and-socket joint at the intersection of your pelvis and lower extremities becomes painful and inflamed.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type affecting the hip.

You may have also heard it called wear-and-tear arthritis or degenerative disc disease. Osteoarthritis of the hip occurs when the protective cartilage wears away. It is most common in people who are overweight and/or over age 50.

Rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune spondyloarthropathies can cause symptoms as well.

Symptoms of Hip Arthritis

The most common symptoms in the hip include:

  • Pain in your thigh, knee, or groin
  • Difficulty walking
  • Pain with normal activities that worsens with exertion

What Is Hip Arthritis

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? | RA Awareness Day 2017

Hip arthritis is deterioration of the cartilage of the hip joint. The hip is a ball-and-socket joint with the ball at the top of the thighbone . The ball is separated from the socket by cartilage. The cartilage acts as a slippery coating between the ball and the socket that allows the ball to glide and rotate smoothly when the leg moves. The labrum, a strong cartilage that lines the outer rim of the socket, provides stability.

When cartilage in the hip is damaged, it becomes rough. Thinning of cartilage narrows the space between the bones. In advanced cases, bone rubs on bone, and any movement can cause pain and stiffness. When there is friction at any point between bones, it can also lead to bone spurs bone growths on the edges of a bone that change its shape.

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How Rheumatoid Arthritis Threatens Bone Health

RA can increase your risk of osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become less dense and more fragile, increasing the likelihood they will break.

The reason: The inflammation of RA accelerates the normal bone resorption when bone tissue is broken down to release minerals into the blood that leads to osteoporosis. Normally, the bone tissue thats broken down gets replaced, but as we age, the rate of resorption exceeds the rate of new bone growth, reducing bone mass and setting the stage for osteoporosis. RA makes it even harder for bones to keep pace. The hip, forearm and pelvis are typical sites where breaks can occur, although breaks are more likely near the joints where the RA is active.

Steroids, which are sometimes used to control RA, can especially speed bone loss.

The best way to protect bones: Eat calcium-rich and vitamin Drich foods like eggs and fish, as well as D-fortified foods do weight-bearing exercises that your doctor approves if you smoke, quit and get a bone mineral density test so your doctor can consider whether you need medication.

Effects On Your Daily Life

  • See a doctor or other relevant healthcare professional if youre unable to do everyday tasks due to joint or muscle pain.
  • If youve lifted something heavy and hurt your back, for example, take some painkillers, apply some heat and try to stay active. If the pain doesnt ease after a couple of weeks or so, see a doctor.

Its important to see a doctor if you get any new symptoms or if you have any trouble with drugs youre taking.

If you have an appointment with a doctor, to help make sure you get the most out of it, you could take a list of questions with you and tick them off as they are discussed.

You could also keep a symptoms diary with details of how youre feeling in between appointments. Some people find that taking a friend or relative with them to an appointment can provide support and ensure that all important points are discussed.

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The Famous Acdc Cannabis Strain

As the rock band put it, this is the T.N.T. of all strains. Its the ultimate powerhouse strain that blows the pain away. ACDC is a sativa-dominant strain and originates from Cannatonic. ACDC stands out for its low THC, high CBD ratio providing its patients with immediate pain relief without the high.

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