Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Can You Do For Arthritis In Your Fingers

Can You Soak Your Hands In Epsom Salt

Arthritis Of The Fingers – Everything You Need To Know – Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

Dry or itchy skin Use 1 to 2 cups of Epsom salt and a tablespoon of olive oil for a standard-size bathtub. Pour the salt into the warm running water to help it dissolve faster. Add the olive oil and stir the bath water using your hand to help combine the salt and oil. Soak for at least 12 minutes, 2 or 3 times a week.

Anatomy Of The Fingers An Overview

There are five bones in the palm of oneâs hand known as metacarpals and they fan outwards from the Carpus, eight bones which make up the wrist joint.

Joining onto each metacarpals are the three bones of the fingers and two of the thumb called phalanges. These are fastened together at the knuckle joint , the DIP joint, this being the one near the tip of the finger, and the PIP joint nearest to the knuckle joint. All these joints have a shiny surface which gives a smooth movement â until the nasty Rheumatoid Arthritis eats these surfaces away, leading to deformation and pain with the slightest movement, finally giving way to ulna drift. I have inserted a photo of my hands below as an example of this, and a few deformed fingers which would have been worse had I not worn splints.

My wife has Fibromyalgia a disease somewhat akin to R/A and was at the Rheumatologist a few days ago. He knows me so was asking how I was getting on and she told him about us getting in late one night and making a quick dinner with a tinned steak pie. Neither of us could open it with the tin-opener, yep-deformation of the fingers strikes again. We must invest in a new electric tin-opener. Anyway, I diverge, I think it is an age thing or me being Irish but we move on in the next section to examine a couple of types of splints that really do work.

Finger Or Hand Splint

One conservative treatment can be a temporary splint worn just at night, says Dr. Newsum.

This can be helpful for individuals who have multiple fingers affected.

Night splints help the hand and fingers rest in a neutral position. It keeps the fingers slightly bent but the hand open. Splinting can be effective for both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, he adds.

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Tips For Preventing Arthritis

There is no known cure for arthritis. In fact, most treatments for arthritis are aimed at early recognition and prevention. Genetics can increase your likelihood for developing arthritis, as can a strong family history of the disease. Women are also more prone to arthritis than men.

You may try to prevent arthritis and still develop the disease. However, you can take actions to reduce your risk:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. This can help to fight off OA.
  • Dont smoke, or quit smoking. This may reduce your chance of developing RA.
  • Try to avoid injury when playing sports or participating in recreational activities.
  • If your job requires a lot of pushing, pulling, or lifting of heavy objects, take precautions to avoid injury to your joints.
  • If your job calls for a lot of typing, practice good posture. If necessary, get a special keyboard, wrist cushion, or pad.

Make A Few Wardrobe Changes

Arthritis Of The Fingers types and patterns

Minor changes to your wardrobe can reduce strain on your hands, helping to ease your overall pain and stiffness. For example, try wearing:

  • Shoes that slip on or use Velcro rather than shoelaces
  • Shirts that pull over the head rather than button up
  • Pants that have elastic waistbands rather than snaps and zippers

Other lifestyle changes can also be helpful. For example, when cooking, use a jar opener, lightweight pots and pans, and kitchen utensils with large handles. An occupational therapist can give you additional ideas on how to reduce strain on hand joints.

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Reducing The Strain On Your Hands And Wrists

We use our hands a lot in daily life. If you have osteoarthritis in your hands or wrists, taking some time to think about how you use them, and how you could reduce the strain on them, can bring great benefits. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use your hands, just that you should think about ways of using them differently.

It may be helpful to see an occupational therapist or hand therapist, who will be able to offer a lot of useful advice on this. But many people discover for themselves different ways of doing things that help to ease the strain on their joints. Examples include:

  • using gadgets such as electric tin openers or tools with softer, chunkier handles that don’t need such a tight grip
  • using a backpack or shopping trolley to avoid carrying heavy bags in your hands
  • taking more frequent breaks from tasks that put more strain on your joints or switching between harder and easier jobs
  • using both hands for some of the tasks that you normally do one-handed
  • having taps or door handles changed for those that are easier to use
  • looking out for easy-to-handle fastenings when choosing clothing or shoes.

Find out more about looking after your joints.

Tackling Arthritis In The Hands And Fingers

For most of us, our hands are everything. Theyre how we interact with the world, whether youre holding a pen, baking a cake, or playing tennis or golf. When arthritis slows us down, it can be painful and frustrating. Thats why its essential to find a well-regarded full-service orthopaedics practice for treatment. Countryside Orthopaedics boasts one of the top hand specialists in Northern Virginia. We also offer a top-notch team of hand therapists and physical therapists who can elevate the healing processwhether or not you choose surgery. With an arsenal of proven treatments and prevention strategies, we can get you back to the activities you love, making sure a full life remains within your grasp.

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Do Arthritis Finger Rings Work

Research into the effectiveness of wearing a particular type of silver ring to alleviate symptoms of arthritis has found some benefits to their use. Researchers found the silver ring splints effective in controlling hyperextension deformity of finger joints, which is common in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.

Exercises To Help Hand Arthritis

How Can You Tell If You Have Arthritis In Your Hands And Fingers?

Increase hand strength, improve finger and thumb mobility and keep arthritis symptoms at bay with this hand workout.

1. Hand Exercises for Arthritis

The Lancet,

2. Grip Strengthener


3. Gentle Fist
4. Finger Rolls
5. Finger Bends
6. O Shape
7. The OK
8. Finger Lift
9. L Shape
10. Finger Stretch
Get Involved
  • 1355 Peachtree St NE Suite 600
  • Atlanta, GA 30309

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Hand Osteoarthritis Home Remedies

These home treatments can help:

  • Exercises. Your doctor or physical therapist can show you what to do to improve strength and range of motion and to ease pain.
  • Assistive devices. Special pens, kitchen utensils, and other tools with big grips may be easier to use.
  • Ice or heat. Ice may reduce swelling and pain. Heat, like a warm washcloth or a paraffin bath, can loosen stiff joints.
  • Skin treatments. Medicated creams can give relief when you rub them on sore joints. Gels with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also help.
  • Supplements. Many people take glucosamine and chondroitin supplements for OA. Researchers are still looking into whether they help. Ask your doctor if they’re OK to try.

What Causes Knuckle Pain

Each hand is composed of 27 different bones. These include the eight carpal bones at the bottom of the hand closest to the wrist, the five long metacarpal bones that make up the palm of the hand and connect to the carpal bones, and the remaining 14 phalange bones that make up the fingers.

The knuckles form at the joining of the metacarpal bones of the hand and the proximal phalangeal bones, or the first set of the three phalangeal bones that make up each finger. This area is referred to as the metacarpophalangeal joint.

The surfaces of the metacarpal and phalangeal bones that form the knuckles, or MCP joints, are lined with protective cartilage that provides cushioning and prevents friction between bones with movement. In arthritis, the cartilage breaks down over time, causing pain and increased difficulty moving the joints. In severe cases, the cartilage wears down so much that bone rubs directly against bone, causing increased pain, inflammation, and joint damage.

While arthritis, including osteoarthritis , rheumatoid arthritis , or psoriatic arthritis , is the most common cause of knuckle pain, other causes include hand and finger injury, scleroderma , and gout.

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Coping With Finger Arthritis

It can be very difficult having a degenerative illness, because it feels like youll never get better. And while it is true that arthritis is generally not completely curable, many people learn to manage their symptoms and live perfectly happy and productive lives.

Here are some tips for coping with arthritis:

  • Seek treatment: It can be easy to want to go it alone, but a doctor can help connect you with resources and prescribe you with medication that could be the difference between surviving and thriving.
  • Seek support from others: Ask for help when you need it from family members and friends, and if your condition is having a strong effect on your mental health, you may consider seeking out a chronic pain support group in your area.

With support from family, friends, and medical providers, you can live your life to the fullest, and not let finger arthritis control your world.

You Shouldnt Stress Daily Tasks Like Tying Your Shoes Or Using The Television Remote Because Of Arthritis Ease Hand Pain With These Finger And Hand Exercises For Arthritis

Exercise of the Month

If you consider the countless number of times you need your hands to do things throughout the day, they may be one of the body parts you use most frequently. From brushing your teeth to tying your shoes to turning on and off a light switch, your hands and fingers are involved in so many steps of your daily routine. And if youre a hand talker, they get even more work during the day! But many of these simple tasks can become quite painful if you have arthritis in your hands.1

There are things you can do to help with the discomfort of hand arthritis. For starters, rub some Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel on your hands at the first sign of symptoms. Its the first and only OTC gel to contain an NSAID, a powerful medicine for joint pain due to arthritis. Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel helps you get a better grip on objectswhether its a paintbrush, hammer or shovelto tackle your next DIY project.

Hands exercises and stretches can also provide arthritis pain relief. Focus on using your hands and strengthening them to help reduce arthritis symptoms overall. How exactly? We asked industry experts Blake Dircksen, PT, DPT, CSCS, orthopedic physical therapist at Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy & Fitness in New York City, and Jordan Metzl, MD, sports medicine physician at Hospital For Special Surgery, to share their top picks for exercises that can help ease arthritis in the hands.

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Arthritic Conditions Associated With Trigger Finger

Arthritis of any kind can cause inflammation in the joints, and that inflammation is not necessarily isolated and contained. The tissues of the hand and fingers are interconnected, and inflammation in one area of tissue can have cascading effects, including trigger finger.

Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout are three types of arthritis linked to trigger finger.

1.Rheumatoid arthritis People who have rheumatoid arthritis have painful joint inflammation. The inflammation occurs when the immune system attacks the delicate lining that surrounds a joint.

See Hand Rheumatoid Arthritis Signs and Symptoms

2.Psoriatic arthritis Like people who have RA, people who have psoriatic arthritis have painful joint inflammation. The inflammation caused by psoriatic arthritis primarily occurs where tendons and ligaments attach to bone tissue. These attachment points are called entheses.

If psoriatic arthritis causes a finger or thumbs tendon enthesis to become inflamed, the connected tendon sheath may also become inflamed, causing trigger finger.

Research suggests that trigger finger may be a risk factor for psoriatic arthritis.1,2 If you have trigger finger and have other risk factors or signs of psoriatic arthritis, talk to your doctor about getting screened for the disease.

Treatments For Hand Oa

  • Non-Drug Treatments: Reducing strain on joints with a splint or brace, adapting hand movements, doing hand exercises or using hot or cold therapy can help to ease pain.
  • Drug Treatments: Medicines to ease OA symptoms are available as pills, syrups, creams or lotions, or they are injected into a joint. They include pain relievers like acetaminophen, counterirritants like capsaicin or menthol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids.
  • Surgical Treatments: If medications or self-care activities fails to give relief, surgery may be an option. An orthopaedic surgeon can remove the damaged cartilage and fuse bones together or replace the damaged joint with a plastic, ceramic or metal implant.
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Exercises That Help Relieve Arthritis In The Fingers And Hands

If someone is pain free, it is critical to keep joints in good range of motion. Simple shoulder shrugs, wrist, and finger range of motion exercises help keep joint range of motion, says physical therapist Charles J. Gulas, PT, PhD, GCS, dean of the School of Health Professions at Maryville University of St. Louis. Being pain free is the key, Gulas stresses, especially when doing exercises intended to build strength. When pain acts up, rest and pain management may be a better bet.

Try these range-of-motion exercises to keep your hands, fingers, and thumbs flexible and to ease symptoms of arthritis in the fingers and in the hands overall:

  • Close your fist and then gradually open your hand, stretching your fingers out, then close slowly into a fist again.
  • Make circle motions with your thumb, keeping it straight.
  • Stretch your thumb away from the palm of your hand, then use it to touch each fingertip.

Repeat these exercises 3 to 10 times daily. Stop if you feel pain in a joint or if you’re experiencing additional pain once youre done. Some people find that doing these hand exercises under warm water is helpful. If you have osteoarthritis, you may need to wear a splint, wear a compression glove, or use another type of support to help reduce wear and tear on your joints during your daily activities. Ask your doctor or a physical therapist to recommend the type of device that may help you.

What Are The Signs Of Arthritis In My Hands And Fingers

Can Arthritis In The Fingers Be Cured?

Maybe it dawns on us when opening a jar becomes a challenge. Or when holding that tennis racquet doesnt feel like it used to. When stiff, swollen fingers make daily tasks difficult, arthritis may be the cause. The small joints of the fingers are the most arthritis-prone spot on your body. And while arthritis isnt the only cause of stiff fingers, its one of the big ones, especially in older adults.

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Experts Answers For Readers Questions

What are the 5 worst foods to eat if you have arthritis?

Foods rich in added sugar, processed and red meat, vegetable oils high in omega-6, salty foods, and alcohol.

Does soaking your hand in Epsom salt help arthritis?

Yes, soaking your hand in hot water with Epsom salt may help to relieve feelings associated with pain .

Why do my fingers pop when I bend them?

They pop because of bubbles inside fluid pockets in your fingers. These pops or cracking knuckles may not be related to arthritis.

Changes In Surrounding Joints

In patients with advanced thumb base arthritis, the neighboring joints may become more mobile than normal.

Thumb extension deformity. This patient has lost mobility at the base of the thumb due to arthritis. The next joint closer to the tip of the thumb has become more mobile than normal to make up for the arthritic joint. Normally, the thumb does not come to a right angle with the rest of the hand.

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Why Its Important To Trust A Hand And Finger Expert

When youre looking for an expert to guide you to the answers and relief you need, its important to trust a doctor with specialized knowledge and training.

When asked about his expertise and training, Dr. Newsum explained, Two important things to look for in your surgeon are whether they are fellowship-trained and board-certified in their specialty. Meeting the requirements means your doctor has had very specific training in the anatomy, pathophysiology, treatments and the latest nonsurgical surgical techniques to heal a number of conditions that affect the arm, hand and fingers, and that they are up to date on the latest treatments. I focus my time on my specialty exclusively in order to provide evidence-based treatment to both adults and children and deliver expert, compassionate care.

And when asked why he loves to do what he does, Dr. Newsum described two motivating factors: excellent mentors throughout his training and career, and helping people quickly regain their functioning again.

Dr. Newsum concludes, We use our hands for everything, so I get to make an impact in peoples lives that makes a big difference. I really think my specialty and subspecialty reflect the core of values of modern medicine: to reduce pain and restore function.

If youre experiencing pain or stiffness in your fingers or hands, turn to our experts for help. Learn more about AdventHealths Hand to Shoulder Center experts.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Hand Surgery

Exercises And Home Remedies To Avoid Arthritis Surgery ...

Recovery time depends on many factors, including the severity of your condition, type of surgery you had, the skill of your surgeon and your compliance with therapy. Most people can return to their activities about three months after joint reconstruction surgery. Your team of caregivers can give you the best estimate of your particular recovery time.

Also Check: Mayo Clinic On Arthritis

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