Friday, May 3, 2024

Will Medical Marijuana Help Rheumatoid Arthritis

How To Take Medical Marijuana For Ra In Utah

Rheumatoid Arthritis patient explains How Cannabis Benefits his Life!!

You must purchase your cannabis from a state-licensed dispensary. Utah has issued 14 dispensary licenses so far, and several of these facilities are already open for business. Smoking cannabis is not permitted, but you can access your medication in the form of tablets, capsules, tinctures, topicals, oils, patches, and vape-friendly cannabis flower.

Whichever delivery method you prefer, make sure to start with small doses . Inquire about obtaining cannabis strains with a high cannabidiol concentration, as CBD may be instrumental in promoting the anti-inflammatory effects.

While medical marijuana may go a long way toward alleviating the pain of RA, understand that it is not a cure. There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but you can improve your quality of life with the proper course of treatment. Contact Green Health Docs to qualify for your medical marijuana card in Utah.

Medical Studies On Cannabis And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cannabis has been used to treat pain for thousands of years. There are broadly two equally important aims in RA treatment. The first is to control inflammation and prevent irreversible damage to the body this is known as disease-modifying treatment. The other aim is to improve symptoms, especially pain and quality of life. THC and CBD, the main components of medical cannabis, have different effects on the ECS and therefore play different roles in achieving these goals. Nonetheless it is also thought that THC and CBD may have a synergistic effect . This entourage effect is an advantage in medical cannabis that is not currently seen with the synthetic preparations.

One study has shown that ingestion of medical cannabis in humans . In studies using animal models CBD has also been shown to reduce antibody levels.

Different studies have also examined the effects of treatment with cannabinoids in arthritis in mouse models. CBD and synthetic cannabinoids that activated the CB2 receptor all reduced the arthritis severity and the amount of inflammation and musculoskeletal damage.

What Else To Expect When Using Medical Marijuana

The cloud of taboo and stigma surrounding marijuana can make it difficult for people to get the best results from even its medical version. Often, people are embarrassed to ask questions, or to speak openly about using medical marijuana. The change in public opinion toward a more pro-marijuana stance can sometimes make us forget that just because it is a plant, doesnt mean there arent side effects and precautions to take.

Like any medication, before trying medical marijuana, you want to know why you are taking it. Living with joint or migraine pain? Struggling with anxiety? Having trouble falling or staying asleep? This will help you determine how and when to take marijuana. You may also consider lifestyle factors. Are you getting sufficient exercise? Have you been consuming caffeine excessively? As medical marijuana becomes more standardized, it is important that we not consider it a catch-all, but rather, a complementary treatment to other care regimens, such as interventional procedures, physical therapy, and psychotherapy.

Medical marijuana is generally safe and there is no record of any person overdosing from marijuana ever. Indeed, in New York State, you can get a prescription for medical marijuana for conditions where opioids have typically been prescribed. However, this doesnt mean marijuana has no negative effects.

Some potential side effects of marijuana include:

  • anxiety
  • poor sexual performance
  • poor short-term memory

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Why Work With Ozark Mmj Cards

Cannabis is a great choice for individuals looking to alleviate the excruciating pain that is arthritis. While it works great, all kinds of research and studies are still ongoing to further scientifically substantiate the use of medical marijuana for rheumatoid arthritis and other types of the illness.

If you would like to obtain your Arkansas or Oklahoma medical marijuana card, but dont know where to start, you can relax. We are here for you.

Ozark MMJ Cards has highly experienced doctors in the field of medical marijuana who will be happy to go through your medical history, certify you, and interact with you to point out what products you should use. Contact us today to leverage our professional and affordable services.

The Experience Of Patients

The Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana in Rheumatoid ...

Dorothy Gibbs

In 1911, at the age of one, I contracted the polio virus. . . The early onset of polio caused permanent damage in my legs, spine, and back, resulting in significant weakness and atrophy in my legs. As a result, I have never been able to walk without the assistance of crutches and braces or a wheelchair. Approximately 30 years ago, my condition began to deteriorate. I began to suffer from increasing levels of pain and weakness in my legs and back as well as severe osteoarthritis in my hands, arms, and joints. Over time, my deteriorating medical condition has been exacerbated by my pain, leaving me increasingly immobilized. . .

During this period it was clear to me, my caretaker and my physician that nothing was working to combat my pain. My caretaker, Pat, had heard of the success some people experience with the medicinal use of marijuana for pain management. Sometime during the end of 1997, she obtained a sample for me. Although I had never used marijuana in my previous eighty-seven years of life, I was willing to try anything that could alleviate even part of the pain.

I am a 45-year-old granny, and I smoke marijuana for medicinal reasons. I was 25 when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. The doctor told me it was a painful, crippling disease and I would end up in a wheel chair. He gave me prescriptions for the arthritis and pain and sleeping pills.


Matt Glandorf

Bob Burrill

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis And Systemic Sclerosis

Cannabis and cannabinoids were investigated as substances that can ameliorate chronic pain and other symptoms associated with rheumatic disease. However, it had also been suggested that cannabinoids have an inflammatory-modulating quality that could exert a therapeutic effect in such conditions, as cannabinoids were shown to have an overall anti-inflammatory effect on immune cells these results were reinforced by studies in animal models of RA and systemic sclerosis .

In RA and osteoarthritis , for example, the hypothesis that cannabinoids may have a disease-modifying quality is based on animal models, as well as in vitro studies that have shown that the synovia of RA and OA patients contained two endocannabinoids that the synovia of healthy controls did not. Results of the same study showed that, in fibroblast-like cells obtained from RA and OA patients, cellular receptors ERK-1 and ERK-2 underwent phosphorylation in response to cannabinoid stimulation, an effect which was attenuated by a cannabinoid receptor antagonist.

The use of cannabinoids for the relief of pain associated with RA has been assessed by one study which showed that, in comparison with placebo, the cannabis-based drug was associated with significant improvements in certain pain parameters and quality of sleep. With regard to drug safety, the study found no serious adverse effects in the active treatment group, with most adverse effects being mild or moderate.

S Of Treatment Available

Because rheumatoid arthritis can lead to lung issues, smoking cannabis products is not recommended. However, there are many safer ingestion alternatives, including:

  • Tinctures & drops: Taken under the tongue, this mode of ingestion releases cannabis medication directly into the bloodstream.
  • Edibles: It sometimes takes longer for patients to feel the medication when they ingest marijuana edibles, but the effects tend to last longer. This allows for longer times of relief.
  • Vaporization: Vaping is one of the most popular modes of cannabis use because it has the fast-acting benefits of smoking, without the risks.
  • Topicals and transdermal patches: Cannabis creams and patches can be applied directly to the painful joints. The medication seeps into the skin right above the affected area.

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How Can Marijuana Help

Pain management: Marijuana being able to help with the management of pain is not a far-fetched proposition. This ability becomes clear when considered with an understanding of the endocannabinoid system and its interaction with the phytocannabinoids found in marijuana. Marijuana lotions for arthritis may be applied externally for pain management.

Reduction of Anxiety: Besides the management of pain, arthritis causes a person who has it mental anguish due to uncertainty and the limitations it imposes on them. If the anxiety a patient experience is not adequately managed, it may morph into depression.

Depression and arthritis are both among the biggest causes of disability in the United States, and a co-morbidity that involves the two of them is almost certain to ground a person.

THC and CBD have both been known to reduce anxiety in a person by inducing relaxation and releasing hormones such as dopamine, that increase a persons level of happiness.

Reduction of Inflammation: Other than reducing pain, marijuana helps the body reduce inflammation. This helps reduce the effects of arthritis considerably since, in many cases, arthritis is an inflammation.

You can apply a medical marijuana cream for arthritis on the affected joints for reduced inflammation. While it reduces inflammation, there, no evidence that .

Having Those Hard Conversations

Medical Cannabis: What people with arthritis need to know

Rolling a joint at work isnt exactly socially acceptable yet. It can be difficult to explain your medical marijuana use with family members, especially children . The historical propaganda and stigma surrounding marijuana can complicate life for the medical marijuana user. While there is still a dearth of research on medical marijuana, there is no record of anyone overdosing from marijuana. However, the jury is still out on whether one can develop a physical dependence or addiction to the substance.

At the end of the day, your pain is your own experience and how you choose to manage your condition is a personal choice. While the science of marijuana for pain relief is new and evolving, its historical use is more traditional than most people realize. Whatever your choice, it should be about what helps you live your happiest, healthiest, and most pain-free life.

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Side Effects Of Marijuana For Arthritis

Any unwanted effects of marijuana are usually minor and resolve once the medical marijuana supply leaves the patients body. As noted, unwanted effects from cannabis are not common and the mild side effects that may occur are often a preferred alternative to the pain generated by arthritis.

Some of the potential side effects of using marijuana to treat arthritis include increased appetite, mood changes and lethargy. Talk with your doctor about whether medical marijuana is the right choice for your lifestyle and needs.

So Exactly How Does Marijuana Fall Into The Medicine Category

Lets answer that question with another question: Would you put marijuana in the same bucket as LSD? How about heroin? The federal government says yes to both. In fact, in 1970, the US Controlled Substances Act classified marijuana as a Schedule I drug, due to its addictiveness and propensity for abuse. Fifty years later, its still illegal on the federal level. But its legal for medicinal use in 33 US States and the District of Columbia. California was the first state to permit legal access to and use of botanical cannabis for medicinal purposes under physician supervision with the enactment of the Compassionate Use Act.2

That schism makes navigating marijuana potentially confusing for consumers, and the federal classification creates many obstacles in the scientific study of marijuana for medicinal use.

But understanding how marijuana works and how to use it for maximum benefit requires more information, and sometimes a bit of trial and error. Theres still a lot we dont know, but we do know that medical marijuana is a beneficial option for many.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Arthritis

When someone is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, this means that the bodys immune system attacks its own tissue. In most cases, Rheumatoid Arthritis attacks the joints, but in more severe cases, it attacks internal organs. Rheumatoid arthritis affects joint linings, causing painful swelling, and for the joints to become severely inflamed. As time passes, the inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can cause bone erosion and joint deformity. While theres no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, cannabis can help by slowing its progression, in addition to standard medication called anti-rheumatic drugs prescribed to those diagnosed with the disease.

Are You Noticing Symptoms Of Arthritis

The Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana in Rheumatoid ...

Arthritis is a pain or inflammation in your joints that occur over time, or in some cases, suddenly, especially if you were involved in an accident or suffered an injury. Otherwise if you have Osteoarthritis, wear and tear is the most common reason we may notice signs of arthritis.

Our cartilage, the tissue covering the end of our bones at the joint, begins to break down. If you have Rheumatoid arthritis, it means your immune system is attacking your body tissue surrounding your joints. Scientists have yet to discover why this happens.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Joint tenderness or stiffness
  • Joint redness

When you have arthritis, what used to be considered an easy task is now considered difficult like bending over to pick something up, walking down a few stairs, taking the dog for a walk, or even just opening a jar. More than anything, it can frustrating knowing you used to be able to do those things. But it doesnt have to stay that way.

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How To Get Medical Marijuana For Rheumatoid Arthritis In Utah

In order to qualify for a Utah medical marijuana card for RA:

You must be a legal Utah resident You must obtain a physicians recommendation You must register with the Utah Department of Health and pay the $15 application fee

The first step is to apply online. Then you must meet with a medical provider who is authorized in the state of Utah to recommend cannabis. While telemedicine evaluations are available for repeat visits, your initial evaluation must be completed in person.

When you arrive for your appointment, be sure to provide any documentation confirming your diagnosis . The whole evaluation should take about 15 minutes. If you qualify, your physician will provide you with your written recommendation.

Once you have your certification in hand, proceed to the Utah Department of Health EVS to complete your application. Your application should be processed within about 15 days. Once approved, you can visit any licensed dispensary in the state.

How Cannabis Works On Rheumatoid Arthritis

Medical cannabis comes from the plant cannabis sativa and affects the body by interacting with the endocannabinoid system . The ECS system is broadly made up of cannabinoid molecules that activate the system, receptors that are distributed all over the body and are activated by the cannabinoid molecules and enzymes that play an important role in the synthesis and degradation of the cannabinoids.

The ECS can be activated by cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body endocannabinoids or those produced externally and consumed. These external cannabinoids include plant-based cannabinoids from cannabis sativa known as phytocannabinoids or cannabinoids that are synthesized in a pharmaceutical setting for example Nabilone. Much of our understanding of the ECS on the body has come from studying the effects of endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids. The most-studied phytocannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol , which are thought to cause the main effects of cannabis. Nonetheless, there are at least 140 phytocannabinoids identified in cannabis sativa and though these other cannabinoids are not as well studied as THC and CBD they are also likely to also have some effect on the body.

ECS receptors & RA

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Research On Medical Marijuana For Ra

The bulk of research studies on the overall use of medicinal marijuana for a variety of ailments produced mixed results.13 There have been few double blind studies, the gold standard for experiments and government approval for drugs, published in peer-reviewed journals. One consistent finding in these studies is that the use of cannabis may help relieve pain. There have been few research studies on the use of marijuana for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In one small study published in 2006, the researchers used a cannabis-based medicine called Sativex. The researchers found that the RA patients who received the drug displayed less pain and higher quality of sleep. But there was no impact on morning stiffness.14 An argument for the use of cannabis to treat nausea that originates from other RA treatments like methotrexate could be made. Nausea is a classic and problematic side effect of methotrexate that causes many patients to stop taking this disease modifier .15 There are not, however, any controlled studies on this specific use of marijuana.

Eight Things Rheumatologists Should Know About Medical Marijuana

How Cannabis Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

How should rheumatologists respond to demands for medical marijuana, either from legislatures or directly from patients? Here from a knowledgeable source are 8 reasons why the medical and scientific evidence weighs heavily against it, especially in rheumatology.

1. Marijuana is the dried leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis sativa that contains over 450 different compounds. Two of these, THC and cannabidiol, are of greatest interest at present.

Medicinal and psychoactive properties have been attributed to flowering plants of the genus Cannabis for thousands of years, but herbal cannabis remains mostly outside mainstream medicine. Its clinical status is prejudiced by the fact that 4% of the global population uses marijuana as a recreational drug.At least 70 of the 450 compounds in the plant Cannabis sativa are classified as phytocannabinoids, but the therapeutic effects of these molecules are not yet fully understood.1 Two are of particular significance to medicine: Tetrahydrocannabinol , produced by the action of heat on the acid precursor of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol , is known for its psychoactive and pain-relieving properties. Cannabidiol has potential therapeutic application due to its effect on immunological function and its potential to counteract the negative psychoactive effects of THC.

2. Receptors that engage cannabinoid molecules are ubiquitous throughout the human body.

1) Synthetic tricyclic terpenes 2

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