Friday, April 19, 2024

What Medication Works Best For Psoriatic Arthritis

Helped Stop Further Joint Damage

Understanding Psoriatic Arthritis: Signs Symptoms Treatments

In a study, patients taking HUMIRA showed a reduction in further joint damage, compared with patients taking placebo, at week 24 and this effect was maintained at 48 weeks. 91% of patients taking HUMIRA for PsA showed no further joint damage after 24 weeks of treatment, compared with 71.1% of patients taking placebo.

Do you find it difficult to do some of your daily activities because of joint pain and stiffness?

See how others responded.

Learn more about how HUMIRA, a TNF-alpha blocker, treats active psoriatic arthritis.

For less severe symptoms, your doctor may consider:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs : For mild pain and inflammation, affecting only a couple of joints.
  • Corticosteroids: Prescribed when joints are inflamed.
  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs : For more persistent symptoms affecting multiple joints.
Is your current medication meeting your treatment expectations?

You and your doctor may have tried more than one treatment for psoriatic arthritis without getting the results youre looking for.

If you arent seeing adequate joint and skin results, it may be time to discuss a biologic treatment option with your doctor. HUMIRA is proven to help relieve joint pain, prevent further irreversible joint damage, and help in achieving clearer skin in many adults. It works from the inside out to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to joint and skin symptoms.

Talk With Others Who Understand

MyPsoriasisTeam is the social network for people with psoriasis and their loved ones. On MyPsoriasisTeam, more than 105,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with psoriasis.

Are you dealing with both skin and joint symptoms? Share your experiences in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.

First Data For Ustekinumab

There certainly doesnt appear to be any added benefit from using methotrexate on a group level in patients getting ustekinumab and TNF inhibitors, Dr. Siebert said. Weve looked at everything, he emphasized, and none of the single domains or composite measures were improved by the addition of methotrexate. I think we knew that for TNF inhibitors, but the key thing is weve never known that for ustekinumab, and this is the first study to show that.

Indeed, the findings match up with those from the SEAM-PsA study in which patients who were treated with the TNFi etanercept as monotherapy did much better than those given the TNFi in combination with methotrexate or methotrexate alone. While not a randomized trial, PsABio now shows that the same is true for ustekinumab.

Obviously, there are some clear differences between a clinical trial and an observational study such as PsABio. For one thing, there was no randomization and patients taking methotrexate were presumably doing so for good reason, Dr. Siebert said. Secondly, there was no methotrexate-only arm.

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How To Know Which Psoriatic Arthritis Medication Is Best For You

The right therapies can ease pain, optimize your quality of life, and protect your joints from long-term damage. But achieving this mission is complex, and no two patients have the same treatment needs over the course of their disease, says Dr. Kuhn.

Its important to work with a rheumatologist who can assess the severity of your condition and develop a plan for you, says Dr. Ruderman.

While treatment is often focused on achieving the best long-term outcomes, it is important that your doctor know which particular manifestations are most bothersome for you, he says.

Your preferences are important, tooespecially when it comes to how the treatment is administered, says Victoria Seligman, M.D., M.P.H., rheumatologist with the UCHealth Rheumatology Clinic in Denver. A biologic might not be the best option if you hate needles, for instance. Likewise, you should tell your doctor if you have trouble following a daily pill schedule.

Once you and your care team have weighed the risks and benefits of a potential treatment and youre ready to get started, Ana-Maria Orbai, M.D., M.H.S, director of the psoriatic arthritis program at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, recommends tracking your psoriatic arthritis symptoms so you can look for changes during treatment.


Treatments For Skin Symptoms

6 Ways to Manage Psoriatic Arthritis Pain

There are several different types of topical medications that can help with psoriasis. Your dermatologist may recommend:

  • Corticosteroids These may come in the form of a lotion, cream, ointment, gel, foam, spray, or shampoo. They can calm the immune cells in the skin and decrease pain and itching.
  • Vitamin D analogs These contain laboratory-made vitamin D and can slow down the growth of the skin. Types of vitamin D analogs include calcipotriene or calcitriol .
  • Anthralin Sold as brands including Drithocreme and Zithranol, this makes skin cells grow more slowly, helping get rid of scales and rough patches.
  • Calcineurin inhibitors These decrease inflammation in the skin and treat discolored , scaly patches. Types include tacrolimus and pimecrolimus .
  • Salicylic acid Available in shampoos, salicylic acid can help treat psoriasis on the scalp.
  • Retinoids These treatments can slow down the growth of skin cells and treat scaling.
  • Coal tar This topical treatment can help relieve skin symptoms like itching and scaling.
  • OTC emollients such as Eucerin or Aquaphor These can help keep the skin hydrated and reduce dryness and scaling.

Doctors often recommend light therapy to treat skin symptoms. Also called phototherapy, this treatment is often given in a doctors office or clinic. It uses types of UV light that are safer than what youre exposed to from sunlight or tanning beds.

Lifestyle changes may work for skin symptoms as well as joint symptoms. They include:

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Pharmacoeconomic Issues And Biosimilars

Biosimilars to INF and ETN are currently licensed for PsA treatment.

Although their impact on rheumatic diseases has been remarkable, biological drugs are a very large financial burden for payers. Since a number of patents pertaining to certain biological drugs are expiring, there is a growing interest in developing biosimilar agents. However, it is expected that the decline of biological originator therapies will not be as strong as that given by the introduction of generics for brand synthetic drugs.,

According to the World Health Organization, a biosimilar is a biotherapeutic product which is similar in terms of quality, safety, and efficacy to an already licensed reference biotherapeutic product. The FDA and the EMA agree that at least 1 adequately powered equivalence trial is necessary to demonstrate biosimilarity. Both the agencies indicate the importance of equivalence trial more than non-inferiority one, whereas a challenge remains how powerful an RCT should be to demonstrate safety.,

PLANETAS is another study evaluating the appearance of adverse events in ankylosing spondylitis patients who remain in INF and those who transit to CT-P13. The rates of infusion-related reactions seem to be similar . RCTs for biosimilars appear to be underpowered for identifying unexpected adverse events since they usually enroll fewer than 600 participants. For this reason, careful postmarking pharmacovigilance is particularly important.

Medication For Psoriatic Arthritis

In recent years, there have been many advances in managing psoriatic arthritis. NYU Langone rheumatologists may prescribe medications to alleviate symptoms, preserve joint function, and prevent joint damage. These medications help some people achieve remission, in which a person experiences no symptoms of the condition.

Many people who have psoriatic arthritis already have psoriasis and may be taking medication to manage the symptoms of that skin condition. Your doctor takes this into account when determining which therapy is right for you, ensuring that youre taking the most appropriate medications for the management of both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

In some cases, a combination of medications may be used to treat people with psoriatic arthritis. Your doctor monitors your response to these medications and adjusts the prescription type or strength, if necessary.

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How Is Psoriatic Arthritis Diagnosed

Your doctor usually bases the diagnosis on your symptoms, a physical examination, and a blood test.

During the physical exam, your doctor will look for signs of inflammation in your joints and tendons. Your doctor will monitor the mobility of your pelvis, hips, and back. Your doctor will physically examine your eyes, skin, and nails.

Usually, your doctor will have your blood tested. With the blood test, your doctor wants to find out whether inflammatory values are present in your blood and whether the hereditary factor HLA-B27 is present. The presence of HLA-B27 does not say everything because this factor also occurs in people who do not suffer from this condition.

However, if your doctor finds HLA-B27 in your blood, it can help to make the diagnosis with certainty. Often the rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP antibodies are also examined in the blood test. This helps to distinguish between psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Additional research

In addition, your doctor often conducts additional research. He will have one or more X-rays taken to see if any abnormalities are visible in the joints in your arms or legs.

How Does Psoriatic Arthritis Proceed?

Usually, periods in which you have many complaints alternate with periods in which the condition calms down on its own.

There is no connection between skin complaints and joint complaints.

Medicines also help to reduce your symptoms.

Occasionally, people with psoriatic arthritis have long-term inflamed joints.

Your Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Options

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment | Johns Hopkins Medicine

There are many treatments that may give you relief, so its important to talk with your doctor to find the right one. The type of psoriatic arthritis you have, its severity, and your reaction to treatment will help determine what treatment is best for you.

Some options for treatment include:

  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs : Over-the-counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen, but can also include prescription products, which help to reduce inflammation, joint pain, and stiffness
  • Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs : Typically for more severe symptoms, these attempt to slow or stop joint/tissue damage and the progression of psoriatic arthritis
  • Biologics: Protein-based medicines produced from living cells that target specific parts of the immune system

“For people like me with psoriatic arthritis, I would tell them to go on the website, and do your research.”

– Patti, actual Taltz patient with psoriatic arthritis.

Patti was compensated for her time.


Important Facts About Taltz® . It is a prescription medicine also known as ixekizumab.

Taltz is an injectable medicine used to treat:

  • People 6 years of age and older with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who may benefit from taking injections or pills or treatment using ultraviolet or UV light .
  • Adults with active psoriatic arthritis.
  • Adults with active ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Adults with active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis with objective signs of inflammation.


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Whats The Best Psoriatic Arthritis Diet

While no single diet has been proven to treat or cure psoriatic arthritis, there are steps you can take to manage your psoriatic arthritis. In the absence of dietary guidelines for PsA, physicians recommend following a balanced, healthy diet rich in whole, fresh foods similar to those advised by the American Heart Association and American Cancer Society.

Eliminating inflammatory trigger foods may also help control psoriatic arthritis, according to a 2017 national survey of NPF members dietary habits. When survey respondents made dietary changes including cutting out alcohol, gluten, nightshade vegetables and other foods believed to cause psoriatic flares more than half experienced a reduction in PsA symptoms.

Which diets helped them achieve these results? The Pagano diet , a vegan diet, and the Paleo diet were most frequently cited. Gluten-free, low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, and vegetarian diets were also identified as beneficial.

The best, most successful diets for psoriatic arthritis incorporate anti-inflammatory and weight-loss approaches, according to researchers in the National Psoriasis Foundation study. Most of the diets mentioned by respondents offer those features.

Study authors recommended the following interventions for people with psoriatic disease:

  • A weight-reduction diet for obese people with psoriatic disease
  • A gluten-free diet in those testing positive for celiac disease
  • Vitamin D supplementation for people with psoriatic arthritis

Diet For Psoriatic Arthritis

Choosing a Diet for Psoriatic Arthritis like a healthy keto diet can help you avoid the triggers and risk factors associated with PA and get you on the road to permanent recovery and relief. It is an anti-inflammatory diet can takes away the fuel source for the pathogens that are the root cause of psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

  • Limit Simple Sugars and refined foods as they lead to inflammation
  • Limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots until you get complete relief
  • Eat as many green salads and vegetables as you can
  • Add almonds and walnuts to your diet
  • Eat pineapple, papaya and berries regularly
  • Take natural anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric, ginger, boswellia and cayenne
  • Add SuperFoods like most organic berries to your diet to help quench the toxins and free radicals that are ravaging your body with PA.

Combining the health keto diet and intermittent fasting can actually help your body reverse the condition. It activates a natural process in your body called Autophagy. It is so powerful that it won the Nobel Prize in 2016 because it can heal damaged brain, nervous system, and every tissue in your body by breaking it down and creating healthy new DNA and cells.

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Things To Consider When Taking A Biologic

Biologics are a type of medication that can be prescribed for some forms of inflammatory arthritis .

This sheet gives you general information about how biologics work, why they are used, as well as tips on the safe use of these medications.

This resource does not provide advice about the specific biologic you may be prescribed to manage your arthritis. It does not cover all the side effects and safety precautions that can occur with each biologic. You should discuss this with your doctor, rheumatology nurse or pharmacist, or see the For more information section at the end of this resource.

Other Possible Adverse Effects

9 Ways to Ease Psoriatic Arthritis Pain

It is known that RA itself, and recently a spondyloarthropathy are associated with a higher prevalence of lymphoma. In the case of RA, it has been shown that the risk is two to eight times the risk of the general population. In clinical trials, the standardised incidence ratio with the different anti-TNF agents has been within the SIR of patients with RA. Thus, when a lymphoma arises in the context of anti-TNF therapy, it is not known whether this occurred because of the therapy, as a result of having the underlying disease, or if it is completely unrelated to disease and treatment. We do not know the background incidence of lymphoma in a PsA population.

A small number of patients have developed or have exacerbated multiple sclerosis temporally coincident with anti-TNF therapy. TNF inhibitors should be avoided in patients with multiple sclerosis.

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What Are The First Signs Of Psoriatic Arthritis

In addition to the skin complaints associated with psoriasis, you also suffer from joint inflammation with psoriatic arthritis.

What happens is the lining of the joint capsule becomes inflamed. This synovial membrane and the synovial fluid provide the mobility of the joints.

The inflamed synovial membrane swells and more and more inflammatory cells enter the fluid. Over time, the other tissues in the joints also become inflamed.

Pain and stiffness are a direct result.

The inflammation and thickening of the synovial membrane affect bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. This causes a lot of damage to the joint locally.

Inadequately treated psoriatic arthritis can lead to permanent disability due to fusion of the joints. Once it has occurred, the damage is irreversible.

Common Psoriatic Arthritis Drugs

People with mild may only require NSAIDs to manage symptoms. However, more active disease requires a DMARD, a biologic, a PDE4 inhibitor, or a combination of these drugs. Finding the right treatment for you may involve some trial and error. Here are 10 drugs commonly prescribed for psoriatic arthritis:

  • Adalimumab is a biologic medication. You inject it under the skinor subcutaneously. You will get the first dose in your doctors office. After that, the typical dose is every other week.

  • is a PDE4 inhibitor. It is a tablet you take twice a day. You usually start on a low dose and increase the dose over the first several days of treatment.

  • Celecoxib is an NSAID, specifically a type called a COX-2 inhibitor. It is a capsule you take once or twice a day, usually with food.

  • Cyclosporine is an oral DMARD. It comes in different dosage forms and brands with different dosing. Be sure you understand how to take your particular form of cyclosporine. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions.

  • Etanercept is a biologic for once-weekly injection under the skin. Like , you will get the first dose in your doctors office.

  • Leflunomide is an oral DMARD you usually take once daily. Your doctor may have you take it more often during the first several days of treatment.

  • Meloxicam is an NSAID. It comes as a tablet and a suspension you usually take once daily.

  • Nabumetone is an NSAID. It is a tablet for once- or twice-daily dosing.

  • Recommended Reading: What Can Be Done For Arthritis In The Back

    Psoriatic Arthritis And Psoriasis: Which Comes First

    People with psoriatic arthritis almost always have psoriasis first, says Francis C. Luk, MD, a rheumatologist at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There is a small percentage of people who will actually get the arthritis first, but thats a minority of cases, says Dr. Luk.

    Its estimated that about 30 percent of people with psoriasis go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. The first signs of arthritis are often swelling and pain in the hands, but the disease can cause early symptoms in other parts of the body too. Feet, knees, or ankles pretty much any joint can be involved in the arthritis, Luk says.

    Symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can flare or subside at different times, according to the American College of Rheumatology. Either condition can be mild, moderate, or severe for instance, you can have severe psoriasis and mild psoriatic arthritis, or vice versa. The disorders might target the same or different parts of the body you could have psoriasis lesions on your elbows, say, but no pain in your elbow joints. When the two conditions flare at the same time, one may be worse than the other, according to an overview published in the American Journal of Managed Care.

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