Friday, September 13, 2024

Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Tendons And Ligaments

As Can The Words Youre Too Young To Have Arthritis

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

When you say the word arthritis, every older person you meet has it, too, Dishner says. While well-meaning people may sympathize by comparing their own ailment with yours, psoriatic arthritis is a much different form of arthritis and does not develop because of aging. It can occur at any age but typically begins to cause symptoms among those between 30 and 50 years old, according to the NPF.

What Organs Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect

Due to widespread inflammation, psoriatic arthritis can affect your internal organs but this occurs only in very rare cases and should not be a major concern. More common symptoms to watch out for beyond joint pain and inflammation are fatigue and anemia, mood changes or depression, high blood pressure/cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.

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Types Of Psoriatic Arthritis And Where Psa Shows Up On The Body

Most people will experience psoriatic arthritis in a few joints but there are different types and locations on the body where it may show up.

In fact, you may be told you have a specific type of PsA based on where the inflammation occurs. Some people experience asymmetric symptoms in which joints on one side of the body are affected, such as one wrist or one knee, while others have symmetricsymptoms, involving the same joints on both sides of the body, such as both knees.

The most common types are:

  • axial spondyloarthritis which mainly affects your back, including your sacroiliac joints . About 40% of those with PsA joint pain experience spine and sacroiliac joint pain.4
  • distal, small joint polyarthritis, especially involving what are called the distal interphalangeal joints thats your first knuckle from the top of the finger. About 50% of people with PsA experience inflammation in the entire finger this is clinically termed dactylitis you may hear people call it sausage digit or sausage finger. Toes may also be affected.
  • symmetric, small joint polyarthritis, which affects multiple joints on both sides of your body and can be very similar to rheumatoid arthritis a rheumatologist can help to differentiate
  • asymmetric oligoarthritis, meaning a few joints are affected on one side of your body, usually your lower body such as the knee, ankle, or foot.

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What Causes Psoriatic Arthritis

The genes you inherit from your parents and grandparents can make you more likely to develop psoriatic arthritis. If you have genes that put you at risk of this condition, the following may then trigger it:

  • an infection
  • being overweight
  • smoking.

There is also an element of chance, and it might not be possible to say for certain what caused your condition.

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are not contagious, so people cant catch it from one another.

What Are Common Arthritis Treatments

Psoriatic Arthritis in the Feet: Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies

There are many things that help reduce pain, relieve stiffness and keep you moving. Your care may involve more than one kind of treatment. Your doctor may recommend medications but there are many things you can do on your own to help manage pain and fatigue and move easier.

Finding the right treatment takes time. It can involve trial and error until you and your healthcare team or therapist find what works best. Be sure to let your doctor know if a treatment is not working. Your treatment may also change as your arthritis changes.

Treatments for arthritis can be divided into several categories: medication, exercise, heat/cold, pacing, joint protection, surgery and self-help skills. You can do things in each of these areas to help yourself feel better and move easier.

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Who Is At Risk For Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis affects 2-3 percent of the population or approximately 7 million people in the U.S. and up to 30% of these people can develop psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis occurs most commonly in adults between the ages of 35 and 55 however, it can develop at any age. Psoriatic arthritis affects men and women equally.

It is possible to develop psoriatic arthritis with only a family history of psoriasis and while less common, psoriatic arthritis can occur before psoriasis appears. Children of parents with psoriasis are three times more likely to have psoriasis and are at greater risk for developing psoriatic arthritis. The most typical age of juvenile onset is 9-11 years of age.

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Psoriatic Arthritis Signs And Symptoms

Early symptoms with psoriatic arthritis are important. People will complain of pain and swelling in their joints hands, feet, wrists, etc. They may have a small patch of psoriasis or have psoriasis covering many areas of the body. There may be complaints of stiffness and fatigue. For example, studies in Toronto showed the year before they were diagnosed, people had reported joint pain, fatigue, and stiffness. Early in the disease, people will often have episodes of worsening of the psoriatic arthritis and then episodes of improvement.

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How To Treat Psoriatic Arthritis

The main goals in managing PsA are to stop disease progression, reduce inflammation, treat skin symptoms, relieve pain, and keep your joints moving as much as possible.11 A dermatologist and rheumatologist should coordinate your treatment plan. A physical therapist may also be helpful to help increase your flexibility and strength.11

For those people with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, your doctor will design a treatment plan that addresses both conditions.

The foundation of PsA treatment includes medications that control inflammation in the body and reduce pain. Medications may include the following and are usually recommended based on the severity of your PsA symptoms.

Mild Disease: The goal of treating mild PsA is primarily to ease pain and reduce inflammation. A number of anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended, such as:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs : NSAIDs include drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium that can be purchased over-the-counter as well as prescription-grade NSAIDS, such as celecoxib or diclofenac.
  • Corticosteroids: These are more powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed by a doctor and can be taken either by mouth or injected in the doctors office. These medications are only used for brief periods of time for disease flare-ups because of their adverse long-term side effects.

Symptoms Inside And Out

Psoriatic Arthritis Overview | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Got joint pain? Pitted nails? What about red, scaly rashes? These are common symptoms of psoriatic arthritis . This form of the disease is similar to rheumatoid arthritis. It strikes about 30% of people with the skin condition psoriasis. It can affect several different body parts, along with your emotions.

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  • Permalink

    Victoria, since you do have an excellent primary physician, Id suggest you ask her to please refer you for power doppler ultrasound or MRI of the most significant areas. X-rays DO NOT show damage until several years after erosions are present. X-rays DO NOT show areas of synovial thickening, inflammation, or cysts. If you are in a large urban center with a lot of advanced imaging centers or have access to a University Hospital imaging department, these will likely have trained technicians and radiologists who can administer the tests with good reliability.

    In this day and age, power doppler ultrasound or MRI should be the standard of care when imaging joints. What the newer imaging techniques pick up are bone erosions, synovial hypertrophy , effusions , and tensosynovitis. Using these newer imaging techniques takes the guess-work out of diagnostics and treatment and lends evidence to clinical exam, medical history, lab work, etc.

    Wishing you well.

  • Permalink

    Nancy, I have had stabbing pains in my elbows both at the same time there were shooting pains from my wrists up my armsboth sides at the same timemy hands felt like they had been slammed in a car door. This happened when I went to bedwhy is it always worse at night? This was so painful and my whole body was involved with different types of pains in different parts of my body. I really wanted to die during the onset of this disease. I couldnt even open my mouth or stick out my tongue.

  • Is Widespread Pain More Common In Psa Patients Than Expected

    The findings indicate that, widespread and extra-articular pain was present in PsA patients, showing that this non-articular pain could contribute to an important aspect of this challenging and multifaceted disease, the authors wrote.

    In other words, psoriatic arthritis patients may have pain that is unrelated to joint pain and swelling, which could require different treatment approaches in addition to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs taken to control inflammation.

    That said, there are some limitations to this recent study. Since disease activity scores factor in subjective measures, including perceived pain, the authors noted that patients might overestimate or underestimate a patients disease. Additionally, the researchers did not account for possible confounding factors that might increase pain, such as depression.

    Finally, given this studys small size, more research on the subject is warranted. In the meantime, the researchers wrote that, a more detailed pain evaluation may be useful for the management of PsA.

    Its important to be as detailed as possible when describing your pain symptoms to your doctor. This can help them determine whether your pain may be due to inflammation related to psoriatic arthritis disease activity, a widespread pain condition like fibromyalgia, or other issues.

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    Points To Remember About Psoriatic Arthritis

    • Psoriatic arthritis causes swelling and pain in joints and the places where tendons and ligaments attach to bones.
    • Most people who get psoriatic arthritis already have the skin disease psoriasis.
    • Although there is no cure for psoriatic arthritis, treatments can slow its progress, lower pain, and protect the joints.
    • You can do things at home to help you live with the condition, such as maintain a healthy weight, do low-impact exercise, and avoid smoking.

    Does Arthritis Cause Visible Swelling

    How does psoriatic arthritis affect the knee?

    Rheumatoid arthritis signs and symptoms may vary in severity and may even come and go. Periods of increased disease activity, called flares, alternate with periods of relative remission when the swelling and pain fade or disappear. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis can cause joints to deform and shift out of place.

    Pain. In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, pain may be primarily on the outer side of the joint. Swelling. This is more common with rheumatoid arthritis. Instability.

    Taking over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Performing physical therapy as assigned by the doctor. Performing range-of-motion exercises.

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    How To Relieve This Flare

    A trip to my lovely doctor and he confirmed it was inflammation. Importantly, we later confirmed that it was part of the effects of psoriatic arthritis. Giving it a name and a connection is always helpful.

    This gives me a way to treat it and just get through the flare. These are my go-to items when this comes around.

    When To Call A Doctor

    You should speak to your doctor regularly about your psoriatic arthritis and the risk of lung conditions. Staying on top of your treatment and having regular visits with your doctor can help keep you healthy.

    Having an elevated risk does not necessarily mean that you will develop one of the lung conditions associated with psoriatic arthritis. But maintaining awareness can help prevent future problems.

    If you experience any of the signs or symptoms of a lung condition, you should make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.

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    What Are Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

    So what are the other symptoms of psoriatic arthritis you should watch out for? Lets talk through the most common one.

    Joint pain and stiffness are the hallmark symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. This is caused by inflammation in the joints. While it can affect any joint, you may notice it more in the fingers, toes, lower back, ankles, and knees. It can also affect joints on one or both sides of the body. Like other psoriatic arthritis symptoms, joint pain and stiffness can come and go with periods of flares and remission . Although you may notice pain and stiffness first, dont be surprised if your joints also begin to look swollen and feel tender and warm to the touch.

    Psoriatic arthritis can make it incredibly hard to get out of bed when your alarm goes off. The disease can cause inflammation, sore joints, and tightness in the muscles and tendons that can all make you feel really stiff and immobile, especially in the morning after you havent moved around for many hours. In many people, joint stiffness is most notable in the morning or with prolonged inactivity, according to the Cleveland Clinic. This symptom can be incredibly wide-reaching: A 2018 study published in Clinical Rheumatology suggests that morning stiffness affects about 70% of people with psoriatic arthritis.1.

    How Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Prevents Disease Progression

    Psoriatic Arthritis vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    The primary way to slow the progression of PsA is through medications that modify the immune system. It may take trial and error to find the treatment that works best for a given patient, notes Dr. Haberman. While we have a lot of medication options for PsA, we dont know which ones a patient will respond to, so sometimes we need to try more than one medication to find the one thats right for that patient, she says.

    In addition, medications that have been effective for you can stop working over time. If this happens, your doctor may recommend a medication that works differently say, targets a different part of the immune system to control disease activity.

    There are many drugs used to treat PsA. The ones that you will use will depend on the type and severity of symptoms as well as the most problematic areas .

    Medications use to treat PsA include:

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    Increased Risk Of Pancreatitis And Diabetes

    A study published in July 2016 in the journal PLoS One found that psoriatic disease is associated with a significantly increased risk of chronic pancreatitis, an inflammatory disease of the pancreas.

    The researchers found that the incidence of chronic pancreatitis was roughly twofold in people with psoriasis compared with those without psoriasis. They also determined that psoriasis patients using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Trexall , commonly used to treat psoriatic arthritis, had a lower risk of developing chronic pancreatitis.

    The pancreas produces insulin, which helps maintain the bodys blood glucose levels. If the pancreas isnt functioning properly, it can lead to type 1 or type 2 diabetes. A study published in February 2017 in the Journal of Rheumatology found that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is higher in patients with psoriatic arthritis. The risk of developing diabetes was shown to increase with elevated levels of psoriatic arthritis activity.

    Management Of Ibp And Mbp

    Standard management of IBP symptoms includes patient education, the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , and structured physiotherapy/exercise programs 2) . Patient education is an important aspect of IBP management, allowing patients to make informed shared decisions with their doctors . Conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs can also be prescribed in addition to biologic DMARDs in patients with consistently high disease activity .

    In 2019, the European League Against Rheumatism published updated guidelines for managing PsA with pharmacological therapies 2) . Phase 1 of treatment consists of NSAIDs with or without local glucocorticoid injections, and phase 2 treatment consists of methotrexate however, patients with predominantly axial disease directly enter phase 3 of treatment after phase 1 failure, which involves initiation of a bDMARD interleukin -17A inhibitors would be preferred over TNFis in the presence of relevant skin involvement . Because of the lack of clear efficacy in axSpA, drugs targeting the IL-12/23 pathway are not indicated for patients with predominantly axial disease .

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    Foot Problems Are Common In Psoriatic Arthritis Heres What You Can Do About It

    Psoriasis you can usually spot: the autoimmune disease often causes red patches of skin topped with thick, silvery scales. It occurs when your bodys immune system goes into overdrive, attacking healthy tissue and causing an overproduction of skin cells. But what you cant see is that same abnormal immune response may also cause inflammation in your joints.

    About one-third of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis a chronic, inflammatory disease of the joints and entheses, or places where tendons and ligaments connect to bone.

    Most people with psoriatic arthritis develop psoriasis first, and are later diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. But joint problems from psoriatic arthritis can sometimes begin before skin signs appear. Or sometimes skin issues are so mild that patients dont connect psoriasis with joint pain and realize they could have PsA.

    Psoriatic arthritis can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in any joint in your body, from your hands to your back and often, in your feet. You can read here about common psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

    Enthesitis And Psoriatic Arthritis

    Warning Signs of Osteoarthritis

    Aches come part and parcel with psoriatic arthritis . Those who have the inflammatory condition often report feeling pain in their hip joints, hands, spine, knees, and feet during disease flares. In addition to these symptoms, roughly 35 percent of people with a psoriatic disease develop enthesitis inflammation of the connective tissue between tendons or ligaments and bone. This symptom typically appears soon after PsA onset.

    Notably, only people with spondyloarthropathies which include PsA, ankylosing spondylitis, or axial spondyloarthritis consistently experience enthesitis as a symptom. Other forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, dont usually involve enthesitis.

    This article will cover the connection between psoriatic arthritis and enthesitis, as well as what you and your rheumatologist can do to manage your symptoms.

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