Perceptions Of Ra Patients Regarding Exercise
Whilst there are numerous reasons why exercise is considered to be of fundamental benefit, it is apparent that the RA population is less physically active than the general population. Therefore, it is important for those involved in the care of RA patients to be aware of factors that may positively and negatively affect the uptake of and compliance to an exercise prescription.
The perceptions of people with RA may provide reasoning for the lower physical activity levels of RA patients when compared to the general population . Thus, understanding the perceptions of RA patients regarding exercise is salient to the role of the health professional .
A further issue relating to the health professional is their own assertion and certainty when prescribing exercise to those with RA. In the study by Iversen et al. , only 51% of rheumatologists reported they felt confident that they knew when exercises were appropriate for their patients with RA. Correspondingly, recent research has revealed that patients perceive uncertainties within the health profession regarding the impact of exercise on pain and joint health. In particular, this was in relation to whether the sensation of exercise discomfort or pain equated to actual joint damage and the effects of different types of exercise on the health of their joints . These concerns pose a further challenge to RA patients .
British Columbia Specific Information
Being physically active can benefit your physical and mental health in many ways. For example, it can strengthen your muscles and bones, lower your risk of chronic health conditions, and improve your mood and sleep. Physical activity can be safe for almost everyone. If you have concerns about your health or becoming more active, speak with your health care provider or a qualified exercise professional.
For information on the role of physical activity on chronic health conditions and taking steps to change your physical activity level, visit the chronic conditions and helping you make it happen sections of our website. If you would like guidance on physical activity or exercise, call our qualified exercise professionals by dialing 8-1-1 and asking to speak with Physical Activity Services between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time Monday to Friday. You can also leave a message outside of these hours and email a qualified exercise professional.
Data Analysis And Synthesis
Tables and forest plots were produced to tabulate and visually display the results of the individual studies and syntheses. RevMan5.3 software was used for statistical analysis. Since the measure of dispersion for change was not always available, we imputed a change-from-baseline standard deviation using a correlation coefficient as recommended by the Cochrane Handbook . The measurement data used the mean difference or standard mean difference as the effect analysis statistics, and each effect size provided a 95% CI. The heterogeneity among the results of the included studies was analysed by 2 tests , and the degree of heterogeneity was quantitatively judged by combining with I2. Given I2< 50% and p> 0.1, a fixed-effects model was used for analysis if I2> 50% and p< 0.1, a random-effects model was applied. The level of meta-analysis was set to =0.05. In addition, subgroup analysis was adopted. Two subgroups, short-term and long-term , were divided according to the length of the intervention.
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Exercise Can Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause pain and stiffness that makes moving the last thing you want to do.
But staying active is important. Not only is it beneficial for your general health it’s also a way to strengthen your joints, improve your range of motion, and give you the opportunity to take part in the activities you enjoy.
For people with RA, it’s best to take a cautious and strategic approach when starting an exercise program. An individualized program ideally developed with the help of a physical therapist can help you protect vulnerable joints while strengthening surrounding muscles. A well-rounded exercise program should include each of these elements:
Aerobic conditioning. Exercise that increases your heart rate and breathing rate has many benefits, including lowering your chances of developing conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It’s especially important for people with rheumatoid arthritis because they are more prone to developing heart disease than people without RA. When choosing aerobic activities, people with rheumatoid arthritis should consider low-impact exercises such as swimming, bicycle riding, and walking.
Stretching and flexibility exercises. Joints damaged by rheumatoid arthritis don’t move with the same ease or to the same degree as healthy joints. That makes activities that lengthen and strengthen the muscles surrounding your joints, such as stretching exercises, tai chi, and yoga, especially important for people with RA.
Exercise Increases Joint Strength And Flexibility
People with RA tend to have less muscle mass than others, even when their body weights are the same.1Masuko K. Rheumatoid cachexia revisited: a metabolic co-morbidity in rheumatoid arthritis. Front Nutr. 2014 1:20. Published 2014 Nov 24. PMID: 25988122 doi:10.3389/fnut.2014.00020 Exercise helps build and maintain muscle strength.
Exercises that get joints moving, combined with gentle stretching, can also help maintain or increase joint flexibility. When joints are strong and flexible, the body is more stable. Keeping balance and doing everyday tasks are easier.
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Isotonic Versus Isometric Strength Exercises
There are two forms of exercises for building strength, isotonic and isometric exercises. Isotonic exercises are those where your muscles are working against resistance, such as that supplied by gravity, water, weights, rubber bands, or your own body weight.
In isometric exercise, muscles are contracted and relaxed without movement of the joints. An example is when you place your palms together in front of you and push them together. Isometric exercises are very useful for RA patients who are limited by disability and pain.
Your PT will help you develop a program of isometric and/or isotonic strength exercises that are appropriate to your needs and abilities.
Exercise Prescription For Ra
The benefits of dynamic exercise in improving outcomes for patients with RA were highlighted following a systematic review by Van Den Ende et al. . However, this early meta-analysis was limited to six studies. In the intervening decade, numerous studies of varying quality have investigated the effects of aerobic and/or muscle strengthening exercise training programs for RA patients. This growing body of evidence, which is the subject of a number of systematic reviews , strongly suggests that exercise is effective in management of patients with RA, and does not induce adverse effects. Current guidelines now advise that exercise is beneficial for most individuals with RA . However, whilst the exercise benefits for RA patients are widely recognized, further studies are required to investigate the most effective exercise prescription , the optimum modes of exercise delivery, and how adherence to training can be facilitated. A summary of exercise types and recommendations for individuals with RA based on current evidence is depicted in Table 1. Typically exercise interventions have focused on effects of aerobic training, strength training and a combination of aerobic training and strength training.
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What You Need To Know
- Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis to affect the spine.
- Arthritis can occur anywhere along the spine but is more frequent in the lower back and neck
- Pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms of spinal arthritis.
- Causes of spinal arthritis are still largely unknown except for osteoarthritis, which is typically a result of wear and tear.
- Spinal arthritis treatment may include pain medications, steroid injections, physical therapy and surgery in severe cases.
- Several signs and symptoms of facet joint disorders may be similar to other lower back conditions, such as degenerative disc disease. These conditions also typically occur together, causing overlapping symptoms, which tends to make the diagnostic process more challenging.
Exercise Reduces Ra Joint Pain
Research shows exercise reduces RA-related joint pain. It does this by reducing the underlying cause of pain: inflammation. Exercise tends to lower the amount of C-reactive protein and other signs of inflammation in the blood.3Tan Q, Li Y, Guo Y. Exercise Training Improves Functions of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Exercício Físico Melhora as Funções das Células Progenitoras Endoteliais em Pacientes com Síndrome Metabólica. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2021 117:108-117. PMID: 34320079 doi:10.36660/abc.20200028,7Ding Y, Xu X. Effects of regular exercise on inflammasome activation-related inflammatory cytokine levels in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis . J Sports Sci. 2021 1-15. doi:10.1080/02640414.2021.1932279
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How Is Osteoarthritis Of The Spine Diagnosed
The best way to confirm a diagnosis of osteoarthritis is by X-ray. The doctor will take a medical history and perform a physical exam to see if the person has pain, tenderness, loss of motion involving the neck or lower back, or if symptoms are suggestive, signs of nerve involvement such as weakness, reflex changes, or loss of sensation.
The doctor may order certain tests to aid in the diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the spine. These tests include:
- X-rays to look for bone damage, bone spurs, and loss of cartilage or disc however, X-rays are not able to show early damage to cartilage.
- Blood tests to exclude other diseases
- Magnetic resonance imaging to show possible damage to discs or narrowing of areas where spinal nerves exit
How To Start Strength Training When You Live With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Here is some advice from Dr. Ma and from me:
Start small and find the exercises you enjoy. Remember that strength training doesnt need to be done in a gym. You can exercise at home with resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, a yoga mat, a step, and ankle weights. Comfort is important for me to be consistent. At first, when I was just getting into strength training, I would break up my exercises throughout the day until I became stronger and could tolerate more at a time.
Take a rest day or more in between sessions so you can monitor how your body is responding, says Dr. Ma. Typically pain in the muscle is fine, particularly if it doesnt last longer than 24 hours, she says. Sometimes you can get delayed-onset muscle soreness where your muscles feel achy a couple of days after your workout. Persistent joint pain, though, may be a sign that you should decrease your exercise load.
Be careful during disease flares. When in a flare pay attention to your body and how much and what type of strength is appropriate for you on that particular day, says Dr. Ma. For example, if youre experiencing a flare, you may want to exercise the muscles that avoid the affected joint or decrease the intensity, she says. Doing a bodyweight warm-up can help you take a scan of your body and how youre feeling that day to allow you to adjust accordingly. Be prepared to do some trial and error and also be kind and flexible with your expectations.
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Ra And Exercise: Does Exercise Help With Pain And Inflammation
As part of a well-rounded treatment strategy, it is important to include exercise for rheumatoid arthritis . Though it may seem difficult or challenging to exercise, especially when dealing with chronic pain, physical activity is necessary to increase joint function, strengthen muscles, and improve overall health and energy levels.
While exercise is very important in RA treatment regimens, there are a few risks. Be sure to practice safe exercises and combine them with stretching and strength building activities for better physical health.
Make Sure Your Doctor Knows About All Medications Vitamins And Supplements
Talk to your doctor about which pain medications are best for you. Be sure to let your doctor know what other medications you are taking, even for other health problems. Besides other drugs you take, tell your doctor about any vitamins, supplements or herbal products you use. This can help you to avoid drug interactions. Here are other .
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But Im Scared Of Doing More Harm Than Good
Many people with RA are anxious about exercising. This may be due to fear of causing damage to the joints or the presence of pain. However research shows that people with RA can participate in regular, appropriate exercise without causing joint damage or worsening of symptoms. Everyones fitness levels and limitations will be different so start with activities that suit you.
While some people with arthritis will find a five kilometre walk easy, others may find walking around the block difficult enough to start with. If you have damage to the larger joints in your legs, such as your hips or knees, it is generally recommended to avoid activities that put excessive force on those joints . Talk to your rheumatologist to find out if there are activities that you should avoid. You may also find it helpful to ask a physiotherapist for advice on exercising safely.
When Back Pain May Mean Arthritis
Many forms of arthritis and related conditions can cause back pain, stiffness and swelling.
About 80% of back pain is acute and usually lasts one to seven days. Otherwise, its considered chronic and may be caused by arthritis. The lower back is the most common site of arthritis back pain. Several types of arthritis are part of a group of conditions called spondylarthropathies . Spondylarthropathies can affect adults and children.
If you are experiencing pain, swelling and stiffness in the back, you may have one of the following types of arthritis or related conditions.
Axial Spondyloarthritis
Axial spondyloarthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects hip joints and the joint that connects the bone at the bottom of the spine to the pelvis .
There are two types of axSpA: Radiographic axSpA includes damage to the sacroiliac joints and spine that can be seen on X-rays, and nonradiographic axSpA does not include damage you can see on X-rays but it may show up on magnetic resonance images .
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects joints and usually the skin . For about 20 percent of people with PsA, the disease involves the spine . In some cases, bony overgrowth can cause two or more vertebrae to grow together , causing stiffness.
Reactive Arthritis
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How Does Exercise Help Ra
RA causes several clinical manifestations which result in decreased or poor mobility, chronic pain, depression and overall lack of energy. Physical exercise is strongly recommended for RA patients to reduce joint pain and prevent these symptoms from impacting their quality of life.
Moderate and regular physical activity helps to keep joints and muscles in motion and build muscle strength. This is important for RA patients who may begin to notice severe decreases in mobility and increases in painful joint stiffness. Physical activity and controlled stretching can also help to increase flexibility which is necessary for those who suffer from RA to be able to continue to perform day-to-day activities.
Additionally, by performing consistent physical activity, cardiovascular strength improves which helps prevent heart disease and other medical complications that relate to RA.
RA patients also tend to suffer from chronic fatigue, depression, and immune system complications that make them more susceptible to infections and illness. Exercise can counter these negative outcomes by improving emotional well-being, increasing energy levels, and boosting immune system function.
What Do Studies Tell Us About The Benefits Of Exercise
The benefits of exercise for patients with RA have been demonstrated in a variety of well-controlled studies.1-4
One study evaluated the benefits of a regular program of strength training combined with aerobic activity for patients with early RA.2 The study found that over a two-year period a regular strength training and aerobic exercise program resulted in significant improvements in muscle strength and physical functioning, without any negative effects on disease activity.
Compared to a control group , the group that combined strength training and aerobic activity had greater improvements in muscle strength, disease activity, and physical functioning, as well as significant improvements in bone mineral density measurements.
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Getting Started With An Ra Exercise Plan
Patients with RA can and should exercise regularly, period, says Elaine Husni, MD, MPH, vice chair of rheumatology and director of the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Center at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and an assistant professor at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University. However, there may be modifications needed to try different modalities, depending on your level of fitness and ability. Think about water-based exercises to start, then move up to more traditional land-based exercises, or start with chair yoga instead of classic yoga classes.
For starters, always warm up before exercising and cool down afterward, Dr. Husni says. Also, be sure to use pain as your guide. Exercise should not be painful, so the onset of pain tells you to slow down or modify your exercise, she explains.
The goal is to keep moving at your fitness level to prevent injuries, Husni says. If you are new to exercise, you may benefit from group classes or a trainer, so someone with experience can watch and teach you how to exercise safely.
Its important to incorporate exercise into your routine as soon as youre diagnosed with RA. The best strategy is to consult a physical therapist specifically trained in inflammatory conditions youll benefit by working with an expert whos familiar with your RA needs.
Musculoskeletal Health And Exercise
2.2.1. Rheumatoid Cachexia and Skeletal Muscle Function
A summary of the influence of skeletal muscle properties on the factors affecting functional limitation, disability and loss of independence in RA. Note: not all of the skeletal muscle properties have been routinely demonstrated with RA . BMD: bone mineral density, CVD: cardiovascular disease, ROM: range of motion. *Factors that are adversely affected by medications.
The impaired physical function that is characteristic of RA is strongly correlated with the diminished muscle mass , but to date there is no standard treatment for rheumatoid cachexia.
As high-intensity PRT performed by RA patients, with both newly diagnosed and long-standing disease, has proved to be efficacious in increasing muscle mass, strength, and improving physical function, whilst being well tolerated and safe, it is advocated that such programs are included in disease management to counteract the effects rheumatoid cachexia . PRT can also benefit other health aspects, for example, improving coordination and balance which RA can detrimentally affect. It is also important to maintain normal muscle strength in order to stabilise the knee joint, preventing joint angulation, and later osteoarthritis . Further health benefits are detailed below.
Summary of Rheumatoid Cachexia and Musculoskeletal Health and Exercise Types for Treatment â
2.2.2. Bone Mineral Density
Summary of Exercise Types for Bone Health â
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