Friday, April 19, 2024

Does Alcohol Make Arthritis Worse

Alcohol Ra And The Risk Of Related Conditions

Does alcohol cause arthritis inflammation and will quitting drinking help with pain?

Nearly 23% of adults in the United States have been diagnosed with some form of arthritis. When youre diagnosed with a chronic condition, its essential to take care of yourself not just take your medication. Otherwise, you may contribute to a domino effect of related issues unintentionally. For example:

  • Those living with RA are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones that makes bones more prone to break. Drinking alcohol excessively also increases the risk of .

  • Up to 40% of those living with RA also have symptoms of depression, which can be made worse by using alcohol, a depressant, to cope with a chronic condition.

  • Some doctors have reported sleep problems in the majority of their RA patients. Causes of poor sleep for those with RA include , medication side effects, or related to managing RA. Alcohol, along with caffeine, also interferes with quality sleep.

Living with rheumatoid arthritis doesnt mean living with all the pain and stress that can come with it. The key is treating the symptoms from pain to to poor sleep safely and effectively. Talk with your doctor as a partner who needs to understand the effects of RA on your life as a whole, so you can work together toward living your best.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Some patients notice that if they drink too much alcohol, they have a flare-up, says Zhanna Mikulik, MD, an immunologist and rheumatologist who’s an assistant professor at Ohio State Universitys Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. Alcohol seems to trigger the release of molecules called cytokines, which worsen inflammation. Plus, alcohol is high in calories, and obesity exacerbates psoriatic arthritis.

What’s more, alcohol can cause liver damage, and some of the medications used to treat psoriatic arthritis can affect the liver as well. For all these reasons, its best to stay away from alcohol, Dr. Mikulik says. Instead, drink green tea: It contains compounds that may block the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1, keeping it from damaging cartilage in the joints, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

Drinking May Interfere With Your Medication

Alcohol may reduce your medications effectiveness, which could decrease your response to treatment, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Drinking can also increase your risk of side effects. For instance, consuming alcohol when youre taking something as seemingly harmless as over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, Tylenol or Advil ups your chances of having a faster heartbeat, upset stomach, bleeding, and stomach ulcers.

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Nsaids And Other Medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are drugs that are frequently used to ease inflammation, pain, and stiffness. NSAIDs can be rubbed on the skin or taken orally. These drugs prevent an enzyme called cyclooxygenase from making a hormone-like chemical called prostaglandins, one of the bodys biggest contributors of inflammation.

These products are inexpensive and often prescribed for people with achy joints. Some you can get over the counter. They are also used to relieve headaches and reduce fevers. Prescription-strength ibuprofen and other NSAIDs are associated with an increased risk for GI bleeding that can become worse when combined with alcohol.

The Effects Of Chronic Inflammation

Gout symptoms

When you have chronic inflammation, your body is in a constant state of high alert. Under this pressure, arteries and organs can break down, leading to the development of diseases.

These effects are wide-ranging3, and may include asthma, arthritis, ulcers, periodontitis, Crohns disease, sinusitis, and hepatitis. Eventually, diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and other serious conditions may occur.

Inflammatory cells anywhere in the body can affect the rest of your system. This means that the gut inflammation caused by long-term, excessive alcohol consumption can promote inflammation throughout the body.

Treating this problem means walking a fine line. Since inflammatory cells help fight off infection, effective treatment must control the inflammation without eliminating it entirely.

To make matters worse, its not always possible to pinpoint the root cause of chronic inflammation. However, lifestyle does seem to be a factor. Sleep, diet, exercise, stress levels, and smoking or consuming alcohol all have an impact.

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Alcohol Abuse Can Aggravate A Preexisting Condition Or Disease That Causes Joint Pain

A variety of illnesses and diseases can cause joint pain that ranges from mild to severe. This pain may be accompanied by inflammation, swelling and tenderness. With certain illnesses and diseases, alcohol abuse may cause a persons condition to become more severe.

Joint pain caused by the following conditions may be exacerbated by alcohol abuse:

  • celiac disease
  • other types of arthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis

Individuals with these conditions may want to consider speaking to their doctor prior to consuming alcohol, this could be especially true if they take any pain relievers or other medications to manage their symptoms.

Other Ways Alcohol Can Affect Arthritis Management

Without doing further damage to your joints or promoting medication side effects, alcohol may interfere with other ways of lessening arthritis pain. For example, your doctor will want you to get the best nights sleep possible, since most people with rheumatoid arthritis experience problems with sleep. University of Pennsylvania researchers found that RA patients with low-quality sleep are in more pain, more depressed, and function less well than those who sleep better. Alcohol may make you drowsy, but it messes with sleep quality, says Dr. Manno.

In addition, because alcohol has lots of calories, and many cocktails are loaded with added sugar, drinking can make it more difficult to achieve other goals that ease pain and improve function: building muscle mass, reducing body fat, and losing weight.

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Research Is Cloudy But There Are Helpful Takeaways

Take for instance a recent review that looked at the available research on alcohol and psoriasis. The scientists concluded that more research is needed to get a better handle on whether alcohol does indeed trigger or worsen psoriasis and if so, how much alcohol it takes. That said, other studies have found several links between drinking, psoriasis, and PsA, especially where medication is concerned, so there is some evidence that alcohol could potentially have negative effects.

Can Alcohol Make Arthritis Worse

Does Alcohol Cause Gout? – Uric Acid & Alcohol Addiction Explained

There are contrasting views about whether or not someone with arthritis should consume alcohol and to what degree. Some research suggests that the occasional glass of wine or pint of beer can actually help prevent the development of arthritis with their anti-inflammatory effects. However, once you already have arthritis, drinking alcohol has more downsides than benefits. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause serious problems. If you have concerns, speak to your doctor to discern whether or not its safe for you to consume alcohol.

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In The Kitchen With Arthritis: Foods To Avoid

The goal of an anti-inflammatory diet for arthritis is to reduce inflammation and the joint degeneration and pain it causes.What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

You can influence inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens and colorful vegetables, and avoiding these 7 inflammatory foods:

Ignoring Early Symptoms Of Ra

It is not unusual when you experience the first symptoms of RA to think you somehow injured yourself. You hope it will go away, given a little time. When it doesnt go away, you find yourself in the drugstore aisle thats devoted to over-the-counter pain relief products and you begin to self-treat. How long you spend in this phase of waiting and self-treating is crucial because, with RA, early diagnosis and early treatment is imperative to slowing disease progression and preventing joint deformity. Waiting too long can make your RA worse.

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Neglect Of Oral Health

Research suggests that tooth loss may predict rheumatoid arthritis and its severity. Researchers who have studied the connection between RA and periodontal disease discovered similarities in the joint and oral tissues, and in the inflammatory processes that affect them. The types of cells that infiltrate tissues of the mouth in periodontitis and the tissue of the joint in RA are similar. Also, the levels of pro-inflammatory proteins are also similar in both RA and periodontitis. There are potential consequences when oral health is neglected.

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Unusual Things That Make Osteoarthritis Pain Feel Worse

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Lack of sleep, feelings of helplessness, and chronic dehydration are all culprits.

Sam Edwards/Alamy

Osteoarthritis, or OA, is a disabling disease of the joint that occurs most often in the knees, hips, hands, and spine. In fact, one-third of U.S. adults older than 65 have osteoarthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , and OA in the knee is a major cause of disability.

Joint pain is the primary symptom of OA. It is caused when the cartilage in the affected area wears away, leaving the ends of the bones exposed so they rub against each other. But that isnt the only thing that can cause, or worsen, OA pain. Here are six others to watch out for.

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Common Habits That Worsen Psoriatic Arthritis

Having an extra glass of wine with dinner may seem harmless, but did you know it could trigger a flare-up? Discover seven other habits to avoid if you have psoriatic arthritis.

Lyuba Burakova/Stocksy

If youre living with psoriatic arthritis, a chronic inflammatory condition that can accompany psoriasis, you want to do whatever you can to help keep your symptoms under control. Because there is no known cure for psoriatic arthritis, controlling symptoms which can help prevent joint damage is the treatment goal.

Of course, taking your medication and following your doctors orders is one way to help ensure treatment effectiveness. But its equally important to pay attention to the lifestyle choices you make every day. Do you practice any of the following eight common habits? If so, follow the suggestions to swap those behaviors for other, healthier habits to help better manage your psoriatic arthritis.

Is Alcohol A Psoriatic Arthritis Trigger

I’ve heard through word of mouth that alcohol makes some people with arthritis flare. However, I know a lot of people with arthritis and a lot of them aren’t affected by it. Lucky me, last year I found alcohol is one of my flare triggers. When I turned 21, I was excited to be able to go to the bar with friends and join in the fun. While from the beginning I decided to drink in moderation for personal reasons, a month into regularly having drinks with meals I noticed a new pattern of joint pain. The morning after having a drink or two, my joints would be especially stiff and achy.

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Can Alcohol Cause Joint Pain

More than half of all adults in the United States have at least one alcoholic drink per week. And while theres nothing wrong with the occasional drink to help unwind or let loose, there can be consequences that have nothing to do with a hangover or increased risk of liver damage. For many people suffering from joint pain, their symptoms can be directly traced to the consumption of alcohol. But how can alcohol cause joint pain when people have been drinking it for thousands of years? Keep reading to learn about alcohol-related inflammation, joint pain, and more!

Summary: How Excessive Drinking Impairs Your Health

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Altogether, excessive alcohol consumption:

  • Increases the production of harmful bacteria and endotoxins in the gut, which promotes inflammation
  • Weakens the intestinal barrier, allowing harmful bacteria and endotoxins to pass from the gut into the bloodstream, spreading to the organs
  • Inhibits the bodys immune response by suppressing key molecules and cells, and impairing the functions and interactions of key organs

Together, these effects lead to chronic inflammation, which can ultimately cause organ damage and disease. Alcohol-induced gut inflammation is linked to gastrointestinal cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, inflammation of the brain, and more.

Inflammation of the gut might even influence the psychological aspects of alcohol addiction. These include depression, anxiety, alcohol cravings, and poor selective attention.

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Other Types Of Arthritis

Psoriasis is an inflammatory immune-mediated disease. Individuals who have psoriasis can develop psoriatic arthritis . This is an inflammatory arthritis that is associated with psoriasis.

Research shows that high levels of alcohol intake may contribute to systemic inflammation and could trigger a psoriatic eruption. This is due to the fact that alcohol is known to influence the immune system. Because the immune system is triggered in different ways, consistent alcohol can lead to increased inflammatory cell responses. Although high levels of alcohol can contribute to the inflammation and psoriasis eruption, more research needs to be conducted to confirm the proper recommendations of alcoholic intake amount for individuals who have psoriasis and PsA.

Other Risks Of Alcohol As A Pain Reliever:

  • Mixing alcohol and medications
  • If you are trying to manage extreme and/or chronic pain without overdoing it on the alcohol, the odds are that you will try to supplement drinking alcohol with over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. But mixing certain medications with alcohol can cause serious health issues like liver failure or gastric bleeding.
  • Exceeding moderate drinking guidelines
  • Most people dont feel much in the way of pain relief with alcohol until they drink doses exceeding the recommendations for moderate daily intake. And because youll eventually develop a tolerance to alcohol, you may feel the need to increase your intake to achieve the same results. This might lead to addiction, alcohol poisoning, or even increased pain.

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Signs & Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic pain throughout the body
  • Muscle spasms and stiffness
  • In some cases, prescription opiate drugs like tramadol to address issues with pain and stiffness
  • Antidepressant medications for the treatment of pain, which may include tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac and some of the newer atypical antidepressant medications, such as Cymbalta or Effexor, that work by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
  • Muscle relaxants, such as Zanaflex, for spasms and pain reduction
  • Anticonvulsant medications like Lyrica
  • Physical activity/therapy: While often not the favored treatment of fibromyalgia patients, physical therapy and exercise can help to reduce pain, increase flexibility, improve mood, and aid individuals in becoming more functional. Exercise programs for patients with fibromyalgia should be regular, light yet invigorating, and involve stretching and numerous movements. For many individuals, finding an activity they enjoy doing has significantly more beneficial effects than trying to get individuals to engage in routine calisthenics, weight training, etc. Thus, walking programs, yoga, dance, pool exercises, and similar exercise programs are often preferred to aerobic programs and weight training.
  • Whats Best For You May Not Be Whats Best For Another Psa Patient

    Waking Up With Numb Hands

    As you can see, the evidence isnt exactly crystal clear on precisely how alcohol contributes to or affects PsA. Complete avoidance of alcohol is not necessarily needed, but it does depend on each individuals circumstance, Dr. Smith says.Weighing the benefits and risks may help if youre trying to make a decision. For instance, if alcohol is clearly making your symptoms worse, you already have heart or liver disease, or youre taking certain medications, it might be reasonable to teetotal. Cutting back can also help if you’re trying to lose weight.

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    When To See A Doctor For Joint Pain

    For many, joint pain is simply a part of life. Anyone from healthy, active children and adults to the elderly can experience this type of discomfort. But that doesnt mean you should ignore joint inflammation symptoms when they present themselves. If you are newly experiencing joint pain, or if your pain has begun to get worse, you should see a doctor to help get to the bottom of the issue.

    The Effects Of Alcohol On Pre

    • Arthritis: Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints and according to most sources, it has no links to alcohol. However, alcohol can trigger and aggravate arthritis symptoms. Most people with arthritis are advised to stay off alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is also known to interfere with normal sleep patterns, which can cause acute pain and joint inflammation, especially in arthritis patients.
    • Medication: People with other bone or joint conditions and are under medication for these conditions are supposed to stay clear of alcohol. This is because alcohol may have a negative interaction with the medication. Alcohol can decrease the effectiveness of such medications and cause more harm.

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    Alcohol Use And Fibromyalgia: The Research

    A recent study published in the journal Arthritis Research and Therapy looked at the association between complaints of pain in individuals with fibromyalgia and their consumption of alcohol. Over 500 participants were involved in the study. The participants were classified according to their alcohol consumption, such that they were categorized into four groups:

    • No alcohol consumption: 58 percent of the sample
    • Low alcohol consumption : 36 percent of the sample)
    • Moderate alcohol consumption : 3 percent of the sample
    • Heavy alcohol consumption : 3 percent of the sample

    Using several varied measures of the functioning of participants, the researchers found that the low to moderate alcohol consumption groups reported having a better quality of life and lower overall pain scores than the heavy drinkers and the nondrinkers. The researchers hypothesized that perhaps the effects of low to moderate alcohol use on the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid may have some therapeutic effects for these patients. However, due to the extremely imbalanced number of participants in each of the groups and failing to control for other important effects, such as the association between very low and moderate alcohol use and being more socially active, this finding was somewhat suspect.

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