Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Do Hot Tubs Help With Arthritis

Heat Therapy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

5 Hot Tub Health Benefits

Heat helps improve your pain tolerance and relaxes muscles, both of which can reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Heat treatment remains a standard part of the physical therapists practice. But you don’t need to visit a physical therapist to reap the benefits of heat therapy. Here are some techniques you can use at home.

Warm bath or shower. A hot tub or a bathtub equipped with water jets can closely duplicate the warm-water massage of whirlpool baths used by professionalsfor most people, the bathtub works nearly as well. Soaking for 15 to 20 minutes in a warm bath allows the weight-bearing muscles to relax.

A warm shower can also help lessen the stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis. You can upgrade your shower with an adjustable shower-head massager thats inexpensive and easy to install. It should deliver a steady, fine spray or a pulsing stream, usually with a few options in between.

After a warm shower or bath, dress warmly to prolong the benefit.

Paraffin bath. Some therapists recommend a paraffin bath. You dip your hands or feet into wax melted in an electric appliance that maintains a safe temperature. After the wax hardens, the therapist wraps the treated area in a plastic sheet and blanket to retain the heat. Treatments generally take about 20 minutes, after which the wax is peeled off. Paraffin bath kits are also available for home use, but talk with your physical therapist for recommendations and cautions before you buy one.

Watch Physiotherapist Dr Esther Fox Discuss The Benefits Of Hot Tub Hydrotherapy For Arthritis Sufferers

View our latest Meet the Expert interview with physiotherapist Dr Esther Fox about the benefits that hot tub hydrotherapy can provide for people suffering from arthritis pain.

To make sure you get the right hot tub for you, pick up your free copy of the latest edition of WhatSpa? magazine for our shortlist of best buys on the market today.

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Hot Tub Chemicals And Psoriasis

While chemicals can trigger psoriasis flares, not everyones condition is set off by the same ones. Chlorine is one chemical that is often used in hot tubs to prevent the buildup of bacteria and viruses. But many people with psoriasis worry about immersing themselves in chlorine. Thats because chlorine can dry your skin and that may make your condition worse. As one MyPsoriasisTeam member wrote, Chlorine burns and dries skin. I have to take a long shower immediately after exiting pools/hot tubs.

While there are ways to clean hot tubs without chlorine, those approaches utilize chemicals, too. So if you try out a hot tub soak, do so carefully. If possible, before you climb in, determine whether you are allergic to chemicals that are likely to be present in most hot tubs. If you are not allergic and decide to dip in, take a bath or shower immediately after getting out. That will help you wash away any lingering chemicals and can prevent skin irritation. Always note whether your psoriasis worsens or improves after you spend time in the water.

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Hottub Therapie Voor Artritis

Als u last heeft van gewrichtspijn door artritis, kan het warme water uw lichaam helpen ontspannen. Deze ontspanning is de eerste stap naar het loslaten van spierspanning, wat leidt tot meer flexibiliteit en een betere doorstroming van zuurstof door de bloedstroom. Baden in het door stralen aangedreven water kan ook veel van de symptomen verlichten door de warmte en het drijfvermogen van het water.

De symptomen van artritis die verzacht kunnen worden met hottub hydrotherapie zijn onder andere:

  • Stijve gewrichten
  • Slechte flexibiliteit en bewegingsbereik
  • Pijn en zwelling

Als u zachtjes oefeningen doet terwijl u in uw hottub zit, kunt u zelfs uw spierkracht en uw bloedsomloop verbeteren omdat het water voor weerstand zorgt.

Als u wilt proberen te sporten in uw hottub of spa, begin dan langzaam tot u zich comfortabel voelt. Zo voorkomt u dat u pijnklachten krijgt. Probeer bijvoorbeeld uw benen rechtop te zetten, te trappen en ter plekke te marcheren.

Hoewel hottub-hydrotherapie sommige directe symptomen van artritis kan verlichten, zijn velen zich niet bewust van de indirecte gezondheidsvoordelen die verder kunnen helpen om een betere gezondheid te bevorderen. Denk maar aan betere slaappatronen, minder stressgevoelens, beter spierherstel, en zelfs een beter mentaal welzijn door zelfzorg, ontspanning en meer tijd doorbrengen met geliefden.

Hot Tub Hydrotherapy For Arthritis

Ease the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis with a Hot Tub

Posted by Nick Clamp in Buying on 23rd December 2021

More than 10 million people have arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints in the UK today.

Soaking in a hot tub can provide arthritis sufferers with much-needed relief from muscle tension, stiff joints, and even severe pain.

If you or a loved one suffers with joint swelling and pain of any kind not just osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis then a daily soak in a home spa could be just what the doctor ordered.

Heres a quick rundown of the many benefits hot tubs can bring to those unfortunate enough to suffer from arthritis.

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Managing Your Arthritis With Aj Spa & Hot Tubs

If youre ready to enjoy all of the benefits hot tub hydrotherapy has to offer, get in touch with us at AJ Spa & Hot Tubs. We can help you find the perfect spa for all of your pain management needs. If you want to learn more about the benefits of regular hot tub use, you can contact us here or drop in at our Patchogue, NY showroom to speak to one of our experts in person. Our staff is always on hand to answer questions or to walk you through the hot tub installation process for your home.

Do Hot Tubs Help To Relieve Arthritis Pain

For many, hot tubs are seen as a luxury. A crowning feature in your garden. Something to smugly tell you friends and neighbours about about.

But lets not forget, primarily, hot tubs were developed for therapeutic benefits. By manipulating the water temperature and pressure, hot tubs have many benefits. Including muscle relaxation and alleviation of pain in chronic ailments.

One of the ailments that it is thought hot tubs can be beneficial for is arthritis.

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Should You Exercise In A Hot Tub To Relive Arthritis Pain

A Hot Tub is the ideal place to get moving.

The warm water stimulates the blood flow and heats up the muscles. And the water supports your weight, reducing joint pressure. This makes it the ideal place to do your daily stretches to improve flexibility and muscle strength.

If you cant move too much, the Hot Tub jets will simulate the effects of massage without movement on your part.

Be Prepared For The Heat Of A Hot Tub Before Beginning Water Exercises

Relieve Chronic Lower Back Pain and Joint Pain with a Hot Tub

One major advantage of warm water exercise for arthritis relief is, of course, the heat which improves blood flow and can help with joint flexibility. However, you need to take basic precautions to avoid overheating or getting dehydrated. Before going into your hot tub, be sure you drink enough water. You shouldnt be thirsty or have a dry throat before climbing into the hot tub. Even if you are not feeling particularly thirsty, make the time to slowly drink a few glasses of water first. Stay hydrated and prevent overheating by bringing a bottle of cold water with you and keeping it on the spa bar top to drink as you work out.

Its very important to start gently and find a water temperature that you feel comfortable with. You may need to set your hot tub to a relatively low 100° F to start. You may also need towarm yourself up slowly by entering the hot tub in stages and giving your body time to adjust by sitting on the bar top and warming your feet and legs and sliding into an elevated cooldown seat before fully immersing yourself. When you are immersed in the warm water, take time to fully stretch out before you begin your exercises.

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What Temperature Is Best When Using Heat Therapy For Arthritis

When using moist heat therapy, make sure the temperature is not so hot that you burn your skin. Find a temperature that you can comfortably tolerate, whether using a bath, hot water bottle, or spa therapy.

You also need to give it time to work. Use the moist heat application for at least 15 minutes before exercise. Then use it again immediately following exercise. You can also use moist heat anytime you want additional relief from arthritis pain.

Safe And Accessible For Reduce Mobility

Beyond helping to treat your pain and stiffness, a walk-in bathtub also helps to keep you safe when your arthritis impacts your overall mobility. If you wake up with stiff joints that make it difficult to walk, the last thing you want to try to do is climb over a high tub wall. Walk-in tubs have low entry steps and high, accessible seats, making it easy to reap the benefits of a hot bath without endangering yourself due to reduced mobility.

If you suffer from the effects of arthritis, look for the best walk-in tubs to help provide you with a natural way to treat your symptoms on a daily basis. Combined with other treatment methods prescribed by your doctor, a walk-in tub can significantly improve your quality of life while living with arthritis.

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Best Hot Tub For Arthritis

There is no one best hot tub for arthritis, as it is all a matter of personal preference. With that said, there are many great features in the Jacuzzi J-425 Hot Tub that make it enjoyable for Arthritis patients.

For starters, it is built with a low-profile design, which makes it very easy to get in and out of. There are also additional non-slip steps for those who need help getting in and out of the hot tub. The patented PowerPro Jets are fully-adjustable, allowing you to optimize your hydromassage for more tender muscles and joints.

Benefits Of Using A Hot Tub For Arthritis

How Do Hot Tubs Help Alleviate Joint Stiffness &  Arthritis?

Hot tubs are ideal for soothing sore fatigued muscles. The raise in internal body temperature opens blood vessels allowing more blood circulation.

Higher internal temperature results in an increased heart rate. This causes reduced blood pressure, which, for a healthy adult can be extremely relaxing. Many people find their hot tub experience one of the best ways to relax and reduce work-related anxiety.

Reducing muscular tension is an excellent way to give overworked joints a break. Often the tissue is damaged within the joints and/or the nerves within the area. Hydrotherapy and heat help to relieve the pressure in those areas.

Many people find the overall effects of using a hot tub to help with arthritis extremely rewarding. Having the comfort and convenience of owning your own home spa means countless nights and days of relaxing therapy.

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Heat Therapy For Improved Circulation

Both heat and cold therapy are widely recognized as ways to find relief from arthritis pain. While most people dont want to take an ice bath, your walk-in tub does provide an easy way to get daily heat therapy for your stiff and aching joints. Heat helps to open blood vessels in the body to improve blood circulation. It can also reduce any muscle spasms you may be experiencing and allow those muscles to relax. Both of these benefits can contribute to improved movement in your joints as well as reduced pain due to your arthritis.

You can further improve your mobility by performing simple stretches in the water. Doing this on a daily basis is a relaxing, natural way to treat your arthritis pain and joint stiffness. If you typically experience the most pain and stiffness in the morning , start each day with a hot bath, and youll be able to go throughout the day with reduced pain and stiffness.

Hot Tub Health Benefits: Arthritis Relief

The Word Arthritis means Joint Inflammation. The name is taken from the Greek words Arthro & Itis .

The Arthritis Society of Canada reports that over 4.6 Million Canadian Adults report having some form of Arthritis That is 1-in-6 Canadians over the age of 15.

The three most common types of Arthritis are Osteoarthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis & Psoriatic Arthritis .

The Arthritis Society offers many suggestions on how to best manage symptoms of arthritis, including staying active, keeping a balanced diet and avoiding excessive repetitive movements. They also suggest both cold and hot therapies, which is where a Sundance Hot Tub can help alleviate some of the pain and discomfort for those suffering from arthritis.

How Can a Sundance Hot Tub Help?

Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest forms of medicine, going back thousands of years. This type of therapy has stood the test of time for good reason, and Sundance Hot Tubs have evolved the art of Hydrotherapy to unprecedented levels of relaxation and comfort.

There are 3 basic elements of Hydrotherapy, and all 3 of them can help improve the quality of life for those who suffer from arthritis.



The natural buoyancy of a Sundance Hot Tubs water supports around 90% of our body weight, which greatly reduces stress, strain and pressure on our joints. This reduced pressure, along with the 360° support of joints that are submerged in hot water can alleviate much of the pain associated with arthritic joints.


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Therapeutic Hot Tub Benefits

A study in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences outlined the therapeutic benefits of using a hot tub, which range from relieving pain points from the bottoms of your feet to the strained muscles of your neck to healing certain health issues. Some therapeutic benefits of hot tubs include:

  • Minimizing arthritis pain: The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, inflammation and stiffness of the joints, ligaments or tendons. The controlled temperature and pressure of hot tubs offer a natural option to minimize those symptoms and relax muscles without the side effects of medication.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels: The heat in hot tubs helps dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow so more nutrient-rich blood reaches your muscles, effectively reducing your blood sugar level. The increase in blood flow is especially beneficial for people with diabetes, as some studies have shown that regular dips in a hot tub actually reduced blood glucose levels for some patients.
  • Relieving fibromyalgia pain: Hot tub jets stimulate circulation. As blood flow increases, the muscles begin to loosen, which makes it much less painful to move around.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Spending time relaxing alone or with close friends or loved ones can help with concentration and the release of endorphins, known to be mood elevators, that reduce anxiety.
  • How Does Heat And Cold Help Arthritis Pain

    Hot tubs and hydrotherapy-Harold Wenger-Hot tubs and arthritis hydrotherapy

    Heat or cold therapy works by stimulating your body’s own healing force. For instance, heat dilates the blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, and reduces muscle spasms. In addition, heat alters the sensation of pain. You can use either dry heat — such as heating pads or heat lamps — or moist heat — such as warm baths or heated wash cloths.

    Conversely, cold compresses reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels. While cold packs may be uncomfortable at first, they can numb deep pain.

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    Should You Buy A Hot Tub

    If you want to invest in your well-being and home life and have enough in your budget, you should buy a hot tub. In addition to providing a wealth of health benefits, hot tubs can also be a fun way to unwind with your friends or family after a long day.

    Bottom line: There are lots of health benefits in having a hot tub at home. You could benefit by having a hot tub if you suffer from pain caused by arthritis or fibromyalgia, have low blood sugar, stress or trouble sleeping.

    How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hot Tub

    To maximize your hot tub hydrotherapy results, keep these helpful hints in mind:

    Keep the Temperature Moderate

    As tempting as it might be to crank your hot tub to its maximum temperature of 104°F, you wont be doing your joints any favors. Studies have shown that warm rather than hot water is most beneficial to those with arthritis. The ideal hot tub temperature for easing joint pain is 100°F.

    Use Aromatherapy

    Aromatherapy, also known as essential oil therapy, helps promote relaxation while offering relief from stress and anxiety. Peppermint is one of the best essential oils for arthritis because it quickens the circulation, bringing healing blood flow to sore muscles and joints. Lemon, lemongrass and chamomile are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

    Before using any aromatherapy products in your spa, be sure to ask your local dealer which products are compatible with your hot tubs water care system. Whatever you do, dont use essential oils in your hot tub. They can clog the filters, cause an imbalance in the water and lead to other problems.


    Arthritis is known not only for the pain it causes but for limiting the range of motion. One of the best ways to stay limber is by stretching in your hot tub.

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    Hydrotherapy & Heat Therapy

    If you or one of your nearest and dearest suffers from arthritis, youll be glad to hear that relaxing in a hot tub has been scientifically proven to relieve arthritic joint pain.

    The reason being is that its an accessible and very enjoyable form of hot water therapy . In study after study, hot water therapy has proven to be an effective arthritis treatment. In fact, its recommended by both Arthritis Research UK and the Arthritis Foundation.

    While your home spa wont cure your arthritis, in a study of the effects of hydrotherapy on people with severe arthritis, soaking in hot water was shown to provide more effective pain relief than drug therapy. Another study revealed that hot water therapy reduced pain and stiffness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    After effective and reliable relief from arthritic joint pain without any side effects? Get a hot tub to enjoy the pain-relieving benefits of hot water therapy every day.

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