Side Effects Bee Venom Therapy
Most patients undergoing bee therapy sessions experience only mild symptoms such as redness, pain and swelling in the area of stinging skin. Some others also experience itching, anxiety, fatigue, or flu symptoms. Some people with excessive allergic reactions should not follow this therapy because it is feared will lead to anaphylaxis .
Stings of some types of insects can usually cause adverse effects because they contain toxins in the sting. However, bee stings are different from other insect stings. Bee stings in the right part right to help overcome various health problems that occur. The poison inside the bee sting is not harmful but good for health. Therefore, many diseases can be cured through the therapy of bee stings, or apitherapy.
Are Purine Levels In Fish Oil High
Q) I have always understood that fish oil tablets and oily fish were important for those suffering from gout and osteoarthritis. Having read a book called Beating Gout it seems that these are high purine foods and should only be eaten in moderation as they raise uric acid levels. I would very much appreciate your opinion.
Ann, Crickhowell – 2014
A) You are correct. There is a problem with the advice given. Fish oil has beneficial effects on inflammation . Fish oil is also beneficial for the heart, possibly by a similar action. On the other hand, high purine foods, such as meat and fish, are not recommended for people with gout as purines are converted to uric acid in the body. A compromise, which I recommend, is for the patient to take one or two fish oil capsules daily instead of the oily fish.
This answer was provided by Dr Philip Helliwell in 2014, and was correct at the time of publication.
Develop Joint Position Sense
You need to do a lot of work on developing your joint position sense . When you twist your ankle you damage not only the ligaments around the ankle but the nerves that give the brain detailed information of what the joint is doing.
This needs retraining to prevent you continuously reinjuring the ankle.
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Can Bee Stings Help Osteoarthritis
Q) Ive had osteoarthritis for about 10 years and have tried all sorts of dietary and medicinal treatments, but to no avail. I recall a well-known saying that beekeepers dont get arthritis, so asked my GP if I could have regular injections of a small quantity of bee venom. My GP is bound by NHS regulations and cant help. Is there any institution that could help me try this treatment?
David, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire – 2013
A) Yet again there may be some truth to old wives tales! Bee venom has recently undergone some laboratory studies in mice and there is early evidence that it can favourably influence the arthritis process. The active ingredient isnt yet known but no doubt it will be discovered in due course. If you had regular injections of the venom your body would soon develop resistance to it so, even if you could get these on the NHS, it would be a futile exercise. My advice would be to wait until the active ingredient is available and has been shown to work in scientific studies, and is a licensed product with all the safety and quality implications that entails.
This answer was provided by Dr Philip Helliwell in 2013, and was correct at the time of publication.
What Is The Difference Between Cod Liver Oil And Fish Oil
Q) I am 51 years old, have mild osteoarthritis and for years have taken 1,500 mg of cod liver oil. Recently the advice about taking cod liver oil seems to have changed. I now read that taking large amounts of cod liver oil may be unwise, and that taking fish oil might be a better bet. Can you explain the differences between these two types of oil? I’m becoming increasingly confused! What’s your advice?
Lesley, Bristol – 2006
A) The reason that advice has changed relates to the high content of vitamin A in cod liver oil. Vitamin A can be harmful to pregnant mothers and the high concentration in fish liver means that you may approach the recommended daily limit for adults . The oil derived from whole fish has less vitamin A. The signs of vitamin A overdose include loss of appetite, irritability, dryness of the skin, a coarseness of the hair and an enlarged liver. These, however, are common symptoms so it’s important to be aware of the risk.
This answer was provided by Dr Philip Helliwell in 2006, and was correct at the time of publication.
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Is Bee Sting Therapy Dangerous
The main danger when undergoing bee sting therapy is to be allergic to bees and not know it. One to five percent of the population is allergic to bee venom, and bee sting therapy could be a real life threat if undergone by a person with this allergy. Besides the dangers of being potentially allergic to bee venom, bee sting therapy can also cause swelling and infection in the areas where the stings are.
There is no enough evidence to determine whether bee sting therapy is useful to treat certain health conditions or not. However, it is recommended that always before undergoing any kind of alternative medical treatment you make sure your body is not allergic to any of the products used in it.
This article is merely informative, oneHOWTO does not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any type of condition or pain.
If you want to read similar articles to What is Bee Sting Therapy Used For, we recommend you visit our Drugs & supplements category.
When Ra Bites When The Bee Stings
- Reactions 0 reactions
It seems like there are 101 cures for rheumatoid arthritis. It wasnt long after my diagnosis that people began advising me on how to cure my disease. My grandmother clipped an article on how eating raisins soaked in gin would clear my arthritis right up. My aunt offered to pay for me to go to a fasting clinic where, under medical supervision, patients eat and drink nothing other than water for two full weeks. My cousin had read that receiving bee stings could provide RA relief. The first thought that came into my head was, Im already in a ton of pain, and now I have to be stung by bees, too?
I realize that all of these suggestions were spurred by love and concern for my health. I appreciated the intention behind them, but I was dubious of every single one. The gin-soaked raisin cure seemed silly to me, so I didnt give it a try, as the article suggested eating some on a daily basis. I had no interest in going a fortnight without food, nor did I want to be stung by insects.
Each time that I try something new, putting forth the energy required to do so, I summon up the hope that maybe this new thing will do the trick. Maybe Ill finally be able to make RA a thing of my past, a memory. Yet, when it doesnt end up being all that a coworker, relative, friend, or acquaintance said it would be, I feel deflated. It takes a while for me to save up the emotional energy required to invest in the next experiment.
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Treating Arthritis With Beeswax
Many patients of arthritis have reportedly found relief by using beeswax as a soothing tonic to the inflammation of joints and muscles. The following beeswax remedy has been adopted from Jenny Fleetwood Book.
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Bee Venom: Uses Benefits And Side Effects
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As the name implies, bee venom is an ingredient derived from bees. Its used as a natural treatment for a variety of ailments.
Its proponents claim that it offers a wide range of medicinal properties, ranging from reducing inflammation to treating chronic illnesses. However, research in some of these areas is either lacking or conflicting.
This article reviews the uses, benefits, and side effects of bee venom.
Bee venom is a colorless, acidic liquid. Bees excrete it through their stingers into a target when they feel threatened.
It contains both anti-inflammatory and inflammatory compounds, including enzymes, sugars, minerals, and amino acids .
Melittin a compound that consists of 26 amino acids comprises about 50% of the dry weight of the venom and has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer effects in some studies (
3 ).
Bee venom also contains the peptides apamin and adolapin. Although they act as toxins, they have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Additionally, it contains phospholipase A2, an enzyme and major allergen that causes inflammation and cell damage. Nevertheless, according to some research, the enzyme may also have anti-inflammatory and immunoprotective effects .
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Bee Venom Therapy: What Is It And How Does It Help
Most people experience a dreaded bee sting at some point in their lifetimes, so it should come as no surprise that some may feel skeptical about stings for medicinal purposes. Although it sounds strange, a bees venom can benefit human health it can soothe pain and calm other side effects from various health conditions. We created a comprehensive guide all about bee venom therapyif you want to learn more about this unusual yet incredible treatment option, continue reading ahead.
Health Benefits Of Wasp Sting Therapy #1 Unexpected
- Post author Scientific review: Dr Heben’s Team
Bee is quite familiar for earning honey. Honey is extremely important things to have a healthy life. Most of citizen consume natural honey because it contains a lot of contents in it that has been proven to have many benefits for health. Beside earning honey, bee is also known as an animal that can be used for therapy to some health problems. The therapy is wasp sting that use sting from bee or wasp to part of human body. The aim to use wasp sting is to solve any health problems.
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Wasp Sting Therapy
After got wasp sting, or any another animals that have the ability to sting, the stung part of our body will be blister, or maybe even got swell. This is caused by the animals who have the ability to sting have toxins in their sting. Even so, the wasp sting can also used as a health therapy. This therapy is also called by apitherapy.
Wasp sting therapy is only effective if you this in the correct and proper way. Though WHO recommend it as an alternatives, there are some rule to gain the benefits of wasp sting therapy. The first rule is from the types of the bees used in the therapy. The bees used in the therapy must be selected selectively by the expert. Not any kind of bees can be used in the therapy.
Health Benefits of Wasp Sting
1. Stimulate Heart Work
2. Prevention of Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Lowered High Blood Pressure
4. Cure Asthma
5. Relieve Headache
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What Is Bee Sting Therapy Used For
Bee sting therapy, also known as bee venom therapy, is a branch from apitherapy that uses the venom of bees in the treatment of health conditions. This therapy has started to grow in popularity but the truth is that its benefits are not scientifically proven yet. Many people that have used bee venom claim that they’ve got rid of health conditions that were affecting their lives. However, this type of therapy also has opponents and many doctors and practitioners warn of the dangers that bee stings can have. But, regardless of its unproven results, bee sting therapy is currently used for relieving the pain of some health conditions.
How To Treat A Bee Sting
The suddenness of a sting can cause panic, both in the person who was stung and the people around them, as they try to figure out what just happened and how to deal with the pain. It’s important to stay as calm as possible so you can handle the situation.
As long as there’s not an anaphylactic reaction to deal with, the steps you need to take are pretty simple.
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Bee Sting Therapy For Arthritis
One of the main uses of bee sting therapy is for treating arthritis. Bee venom contains adolapin, a substance that has anti-inflammatory and pain-blocking properties. This substance could be the responsible for easing the pain and discomfort caused by arthritis to the people suffering from this condition.
Medical tests have been conducted on the effects of bee venom for arthritis but the results haven’t been concluding.
The claims that bee venom therapy helps fight diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and depression are based on personal observation and not on medical prove.
Do Bee Stings Help Cure Arthritis
Although the very thought of being stung by a bee may put the fear of almighty into most people, it has been scientifically proven that Honeybee venom can ease the symptoms of some human health conditions. Largely made up of a chemical called Apitoxin, the venom is a bitter colourless liquid, its active portion, a mixture of proteins, which causes local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant. A honeybee can inject 0.1 mg of venom via its stinger.
If youve ever been stung by a bee, you already have firsthand experience of the basics of bee-venom therapy . You might have thought that your single encounter with a bee was enough, but people undergoing apitherapy may get stung 80 times a day or more. Studies conducted on animals and in test tubes suggest that bee venom may have some ability to lessen the pain and inflammation of arthritis.
In 1988, researchers at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki in Greece reported that bee stings greatly slowed the progress of an arthritis-like disease in rats. Scientists, at Montreal General Hospital, have also reported that venom slows the production of interleukin-1, a compound that helps fuel arthritic pain and inflammation. Studies in South Korea have revealed how melittin, an important compound in bee venom, blocks inflammation and showed significant anti-arthritic effects in mice.
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Is It Safe To Use Magnets If I’ve Had A Joint Replaced
Q) I have osteoarthritis in most joints and have had one hip and one knee replaced, but provided I do the majority of my physical activities before 2 pm I can cope with a few painkillers. Is it safe to use a magnetic device? I read they shouldn’t be used by anyone with a metal prosthesis. Would I benefit?
Dorothy, Storrington, West Sussex – 2005
A) There’s some evidence of benefit for wrist-mounted magnets in arthritis, but it’s not very strong. Although generally safe, don’t use any magnet therapy products if either you or your partner have a heart pacemaker, hearing implant or any other implanted electronic device as the weak magnetic field can affect the way they work. Most joint replacements are made from non-ferrous metals so there’s not a problem using them in this circumstance.
This answer was provided by Dr Philip Helliwell in 2005, and was correct at the time of publication.
How Bee Venom Therapy Beganand Where It Is Today
Believe it or not, people have used bee venom therapy as a natural treatment for hundreds, if not thousands of years. In fact, ancient Egyptians used bee venom, and numerous countries in Europe and Asia practiced the treatment as well.
As the years went on, beekeeper Charles Mraz played a huge role in promoting bee venom therapy nationally. Mraz began research with scientists at Sloan-Kettering Institute and the Walter Reed Army Institute. He co-founded the American Apitherapy Society , a society that still educates both the public and the healthcare community about apitherapy uses and its results. Today, people all over the world continue to talk about bee venom therapy. Even some celebrities even support it for instance, in recent years, Gwyneth Paltrow confirmed receiving apitherapy.
Fortunately, clinical trials continue to demonstrate that bee venom is a promising treatment for the following conditions:
- Osteoarthritis
- Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, Lyme disease, and multiple sclerosis
- Skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis
- Fibromyalgia
- Gout
- Tendonitis
- Central nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimers disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , and Parkinsons disease
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What Is The Difference Between Sulphate And Hydrochloride In A Glucosamine Form
Q) The Versus Arthritis report on complementary medicines for the treatment of arthritis concluded that glucosamine sulphate seemed to be of significantly greater benefit than glucosamine hydrochloride. Is this not rather misleading, as all glucosamine, whether originally in the sulphate or the hydrochloride form, enters the intestine as glucosamine hydrochloride after breakdown by hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
Anthony, Sale – 2009
A) It sounds like you’re a chemist! The whole business of giving a substance such as glucosamine is a little bit mystical. For example, why doesnt the digestive tract reduce the glucosamine to its component parts? If it were absorbed whole then the blood level of this substance would increase after taking it it does but only a little . So, from a pharmacological point of view glucosamine doesnt make a lot of sense, in whatever form it’s given. However, some clinical trials have shown benefit and these have all been with the sulphate, so that’s what’s recommended!
This answer was provided by Dr Philip Helliwell in 2009, and was correct at the time of publication.